15. The Docters

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After confronting my Dad about what had happened at school today. He decided to take me to the doctors. "Just to make sure" he assured me.

I had no idea what he thought I had. I'm not ill and I'm not going mental so what is it?

I really hated the docters, it was the smell. The antibacterial smell, they could have a least used a strawberry lace flavoured one or a coconut! They were my favourite. I was horribly fussy though, I hated the docters having to make contact with me. Especially when they have to pull up your top to check your heart beat. I mean if they weren't a doctor they could be in prison!! It was wrong!

As I walked down the path to the docters with my Dad I realised that there was a sign up talking about depression. Dad doesn't think I'm depressed does he?

But sure enough Dad thought that I was depressed and the docter agreed with him. I hate it when parents are right.

The doctor we saw was very hot, he was very muscly, not bad looking and didn't  have a ring on his finger. Maybe a bit to old for me, I was only 15 after all. I decided that the docters want too bad if I got to see him again.

Still trying to get my head around my diagnosis I thought about how I hadn't realised.  I just hadn't realised how upset and sad I was. I was trying to fight it back all the time because of my family. I didn't want them seeing me upset, not with Tom in hospital!

Wait Mum couldn't find out she would be so upset. With and Tom and me ill, u don't know what she would do.

"Dad please don't tell Mum about my depression, she doesn't need the extra upset over it" I begged.

"Ok darling if that's what you want then ok. Although you should tell her, she wants to help you and so do I. You just need to take your medication and speak up at school and you will be fine"

"It's not that simple Dad"

" I'm not arguing with you Vanessa but we must go and see Tom and your mother now"

And off we went back to the hospital for the 9th time this week. I hated hospitals as much as I did docters, but hospitals were far worse!

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