Hour 21

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Hour 21

(3:00am EST)

"Whats next on Harlyn's list of fun?" Beckett asked, from our parking spot in his driveway.

"You know how we always used to talk about becoming famous youtubers? And doing all those weird challenges they do?" I laughed, folding the list and putting it back in my pocket.

"Yeah." Beckett laughed.

"Well I made a list of challenges for us to do, although we aren't famous youtubers yet."

"Don't count fame out yet!" Beckett pushed open his door, and stepped quietly out of his truck.

"How are we getting inside?" I whispered after I got out.

"The front door..." Beckett laughed.

"Won't we wake up your parents?"

"My parents sleep like rocks." Beckett laughed. "Haven't you ever wondered how I can sneak out all the time?"

"The whole three times you have ever snuck out." I tease.

He glares at me, and places his middle finger to his lips as we slip inside his house, and dart up his stares into his attic bedroom.

"What's the first challenge?" Beckett asks as he shuts the door and flops onto his bed, where I'm already sitting.

I pull two bandanas out of my bag.

"Kinky." Beckett winks and I punch his arm, and pull out makeup.

"Blindfolded makeup." I grin.

"Sounds painful." Beckett laughs.

"I don't know how YOU apply makeup, but it doesn't hurt when I do it." I laugh.

"This isn't going to go well." Beckett comments as I begin to tie a bandana around my head.

"Put your bandana on, and attempt to put makeup on me without complaining." I order, dumping out a bag of makeup on the bed in between us.

Once we are both blindfolded I reach for some makeup, my hands closing around a tube of lipstick. I feel Beckett grab something next to me.

"What is this?" He asks, feeling it trying to decipher where it goes on my face.

"Where is your face?" I ask, throwing my right hand out and groping the air for his face, my hand lands on his fluffy hair and I slowly make my hand down to his lips.

"What are you doing?" Beckett laughs, as I attempt to put lipstick on his lips, all the while not really knowing exactly where his lips are.

"Putting on lipstick!" I laugh. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to find your face." He says and his hand lands on my cheek. "Found it." He laughs, and I feel the lipstick smudge.

"Did you figure out what you are holding?" I ask him.

"Nope." He laughs. "I'm just gonna put it on your cheek and hope that's the place for it." I reach for another thing of makeup, and feel the spiky end of maskcara land on my cheek.

"Beckett!" I laugh. "That was supposed to be for my eyelashes!"

"I think it works better like this." He said, and began to draw on my cheek.

"What are you writing?" I ask, my hand touching some blush, and I grope for his face again.

"I'm trying to write 'Beckett Wuz Here' but I think that's too long, so I'll just write 'B&H'." I laugh and slather some blush on what I think is Beckett's cheek.

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