Hour 3

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Hour 3

(9:00 AM EST)

    "Race you to the water!" I called, slipping my flip flops off at the sandy shores and running down to the water, feeling the sand between my toes.

    I could hear Beckett running after me and slowly he got closer. But I ran down the small boat dock before Beckett.

    "I won!" I shouted gleefully

    "Not yet you didn't." Beckett's voice was not far behind me. "It was a race to the water." And with that he launched himself into the water.

    I grumbled under my breath and sat down, touching the water with my toes. I pulled my shirt and shorts off, folding them next to me.

    "You aren't coming in?" Beckett asked as he resurfaced.

    "The water looks cold." I teased.

    "I'll warm you up." He shook the water out of his hair.

    "Tempting, but no thanks." I giggled, brushing the water with my toes.

    "Come on." He pouted. "Remember when you we used to have splash fights."

    "I always won."

    "Because I let you." He grumped jokingly.

    "BS." I giggled.

    "Whats the point of coming here if you aren't going to swim?" He asked, treading water.

    "To do this." I reached down and cupped my hand, pushing it outward and splashing him right in the face.

    Beckett spluttered from the water, then with a mischievous grin, he disappeared under the water.

    I looked around, waiting for him to resurface. I got a little nervous when he didn't after a moment, knowing him this was some kind of trick.

    Before I could register anything else a hand gripped my foot, and pulled me off the dock and into the water. I floundered around in the lake, savoring the cold of the water around me, before I came up, glaring at Beckett.

    "Was that necessary?" I pouted, but I couldn't stop my smile.

    "Yup." He grinned. "Are you cold?"

    "A little." I admitted. He reached out his arms and I moved towards him. In a flash he disappeared under the water. I felt his arms around my legs again, and a moment later I was hoisted up onto his shoulder, so my head was looking down his back into the water.

    "Put me down." I laughed as he swam over to the dock where it was shallow enough to stand.

    "As you wish." He grinned, placing me on my feet in the shoulder high water.

    "Stop surprising me." I slapped his shoulder.

    "But you are so much fun to scare." He laughed, pulling me close for real this time so our heads were close.

    "You aren't going to get off that easy." I whispered to him, before I ducked under water, kicking my feet and sending water splashing onto his face. I swam out deeper trying to get away from him, he was a faster swimmer than I was so it was only a matter of time. I submerged and started to swim on my back away from him. I could see him a few yards away from me trying to catch up. I swam out to a rock that was in the middle of the lake and hoisted myself up on it. A second later he came to the rock. He pulled himself up so he was sitting next to me.

    "Now we are even." I said, grinning over at him.

    "Nope." He said, shaking his head. He leaned in, pressing a cold kiss on my lips, making my whole body tingle. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "Now, we are even."

    I leaned back in, and we kissed for a moment longer. We were savoring these kisses, unsure of how many more we would have. I kissed Beckett's forehead, then his cheeks before finally landing on his lips again.   

    "I love you." I said between kisses.

    "I love you." He whispered back.

    I rested my head against his shoulder and we just sat there, happy with just being together.


When we decided it was too hot to just sit on the rock and do nothing, we got back in the water.

"I'm going to turn some music on." Beckett said, swimming over to the dock where he had left his shirt and phone. He started playing Imagination Infatuation, his favorite song by Misterwives and I started doing a funky underwater dance.

"What are you doing?" Beckett asked me from where he was pulling himself up on the dock.

"Dancing." I laughed.

"Thats not dancing." He laughed too. "This is dancing." He started to do this weird dance-walk thing down the dock. When he got to the end he did a pose, and jumped into the water.

I started laughing, and swam over to where he was coming up.

"Let me show how you really dance." I lifted myself up on the dock. I waved my arms out to the side as I walked down the dock to the beat of Imagination Infatuation. I started doing weird jumpy slide things making Beckett crack up. I got to the end of the dock and struck a superman pose as I fell into the water.

"Do it again." Beckett said between laughs. "But let me get my camera." He swam back to shore and got his camera, as he did this I got back on the dock.

"Okay go." He laughed and I started my dance-strut-walk thing down the dock. Imagination Infatuation switched to a fast paced pop song I had never heard of so I switched to quick movements. When I got to the end I did a star jump and landed in the water.

By the time I got back up to the surface, Beckett had put his camera back and he was doing is own dance walk down the dock.

His was more robot like and he kept kicking his legs out in a very... Stiff way. He got to the end and held his arms out and jumped in. I was giggling as he came back up.

"Don't like my dancing?" He asked, mock offended.

"It was beautiful." I laughed as the song switched to a slow one. "You bought this song?" I asked, holding my hand on my heart.

"How could I not, it was the song of our first dance." He blushed slightly, and I swam over so my arms were wrapped around his and we were in an awkward swimming slow dance position.

"You are too sweet." I said, kissing his lips gently as we moved--swam -- to the beat of the song.

"Sweet enough to do this." He whispered against my lips, but nothing sweet came after, the only thing I got was bubbles up his nose as he pushed me under the water.

I was spluttering as I came back up.

"Meanie." I grumbled.

"Oh come on I know you love me." He smirked, pulling me back to him.

"That's the crazy thing." I whispered. "I love you so much."

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