Hour 14

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Hour 14

(8:00 PM EST)

"Let's play truth or dare." I said as we pulled into the park behind the elementary school.

"While sitting on top of the monkey bars." Beckett added.

"Of course." I said, climbing out of his truck.

"Race ya!" Beckett called, dashing down the hill of the school parking lot and heading to the monkey bars.

I sprinted after him, reaching the monkey bars just after him. I went to the opposite end of the bars and started climbing, hooking my leg over the first monkey bar and pulled myself over it. I moved down the monkey bars until Beckett and I met in the middle. There we rested our legs on the side of the bars and gave eachother a quick kiss.

"I feel like a six year old again." I grinned, swinging my legs.

"I loved kindergarten." Beckett said, looking out over the small elementary school track.

"Life was so simple." I sighed.

"Truth or dare?" Beckett asked me, bringing me back to the game I wanted to play.

"Dare." I grinned.

"I dare you to shout as loud as you can 'I love Beckett Ashby!'"

"Lame." I scoff, before taking in a deep breath and screaming as loud as I can. "I am helplessly in love with Beckett Ashby!"

"Helplessly, eh?" Beckett teased.

"Bringing back your phrase from earlier." I said with a smile. "Truth or dare."


"I dare you to kiss me." I grinned.

"I would say that is lame, because it's no challenge at all, but kissing you is never lame." He placed a chaste kiss on my lips, bringing a grin to my face. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I sighed. "This is no fun." I grumbled.

"Yeah," Beckett agreed. "I remember it being more fun in eighth grade when everyone is awkward and has never kissed anyone before."

I laughed. "Let's play another game from our childhood."

"Anything but spin the bottle." Beckett laughed.

"How about charades?" I suggested.

"Sure," Beckett said, swinging his legs off the monkey bars and dropping to the ground. I followed shortly after.

"You go first." I said to Beckett, walking over and sitting down on a swing.

"Okay." Beckett said, thinking for a moment, then bending over, touching his toes. Then he raised his hands above his head and did a twirl.

"Ballerina!" I cried, clapping my hands.

"Your turn." Beckett said to me, sitting down in the swing next to me as I got up.

"Um." I thought for a moment before coming up with sidewalk. I laid down and didn't move. Then I took my arm and had my two fingers walk down my body, like legs.

"What is that?" Beckett asked. "I deformed spider?"

"No!" I replied. "How is this a spider?"

"I don't know!? I was guessing." Beckett defended. I continued the same motion.

"A person?" He guessed again.

"Close." I told him.

"A speed walker?" I shook my head no. "Just tell me! I'm tired of guessing." He pouted.

"Just guess one more time." I tried to compromise.

"Is it a duck?" He asked.

"Come one a reasonable guess." I rolled my eyes.

"It was! Ducks have two legs." He defended.

"Fine." I caved in. "It was a pedestrian."

"Basically the same thing as a duck." Beckett joked. "I have an idea of what we can do."

"What?" I asked.

"We should have a gymnastics competition." He insisted, jumping off the monkey bars.

"And who's going to judge?" I asked.

"We can just ask people who walk by."

"I don't think people are going to want to judge two eighteen year olds who are having a gymnastics competition." I laughed.

"How do you know that?" Beckett questioned, running to the grass. "I bet everyone will want to watch us." He smiled, waving for me to come over to where he was.

"Okay, but what do I get if I win?" I asked Beckett walking over to him.

"I'll take you to the carnival." My eyes lit up. Beckett hated the carnivals and state fairs, he said that they were a recipe for heart attacks and weird diseases, so we've barely ever gone together. So this motivated me a lot.

"I'm in." I grinned. "Don't think I'm going to go easy on you."

"I don't expect you to babe." His lip curled into a smirk. "First event!" Beckett announced. "Do five cartwheels in a row."

"Wait we have to get a judge." I reminded him.

"Oh yeah." Beckett ran off and came back a few seconds later with an elderly couple and their tiny dog. "Were both going to do five cartwheels in a row and you're going to have to tell us who did it the best." They both looked at each other and then started giggling.

"Okay." The couple said.

"I'll go first so you know what it should actually look like." Beckett smiled. I pushed his shoulder, making him lose some of his balance. He did his five cartwheels which weren't too bad, but I was determined to beat him. I put all the knowledge from my few days of gymnastics class from when I was five into my cartwheels. I finished and was so dizzy I felt like toppling over.

"So, who did the best?" Beckett asked.

"The girl." They both agreed. I looked over at Beckett and gave him a cheesy smile while he jokingly glared at me.

"Thank you!." I thanked them and then they carried on walking their dog. "Next event!" I announced. "We have to do a forward roll on the bars."

"I can do that." Beckett nodded. He turned to his left and tapped a little boy on the shoulder. "Hi!" He greeted the boy. "Could you tell us who does the best roll on this bar?" The boy looked confused at first and then nodded yes.

"I'll go first since I won the last event."

I jumped on the bar and rolled forward. Beckett did the same thing and then the boy said, "I like him." Beckett held his hand out and gave the little boy a high five.

"Good choice." He told the boy. "Thank you, you can go back to playing."

"Don't celebrate just yet. We still have one more event." I told Becket.

"Which I'm going to win." Beckett said. "We have to hold a handstand for as long as we can."

"The person who holds it the longest wins." I finished his sentence. We got a person who was sitting on the park bench to see who came down first. Beckett and I went up into our handstands and tried to hold it. Beckett started moving and his legs started to bend. My legs were about to come down but then Beckett fell. I followed.

"Ow." He groaned, rubbing his head.

"I won!" I yelled. "You are going to take me to the carnival!" I helped Beckett up before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Love you." I sang. "We're gonna go to the carnival!!" I grabbed Beckett's hand and we made our way to the carnival.

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