Hour 4

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Hour 4

(10:00 AM EST)

Beckett and I dried ourselves off and put our clothes on top of our damp suits before getting back in the car. I checked the list and announced, "To the oriental store!"

    Beckett drove away from the lake and we headed in the direction of the oriental store where we were going to buy fireworks for later tonight. When we got to the store we headed to the back where the fireworks were. I picked up sparklers and Beckett went for the huge gigantic boxes of fireworks. "No." I told him as he held it up to me to see.

    "Why not?" He whined.

    "We're not providing a show for the whole town." I explained.

    "You're no fun." He pouted. "Putting the fireworks down."

    "I'm plenty fun." I defended. "I'm just.." I had to think for a while, "Practical." I finished.

    "Well stop being practical." He said. "Relax, have fun! It's our last day together Har." He said, holding up the big box of fireworks again, making puppy dog eyes.

    "Fine." I rolled my eyes, giving in.

    "Yay, you're the best girlfriend ever!" He pulled me into a big hug.

    "Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes in a joking way.

    We got our fireworks and went up to the cash register. The lady scanned the fireworks and then I paid. We grabbed the bag filled with fireworks and went outside. "Wait we need a picture." Becket reminded me as we stepped on to the sidewalk right outside the store..

    "Oh, yeah. Almost forgot." I replied, hitting my head with my hand. Beckett pulled out his camera and pointed at us. I held up the bag of fireworks as we both made shocked and surprised faces in the picture. After we looked at the picturea and were pleased with the it we printed out two of them to add to our collection.

    "Wanna go to the skate park now?" He asked me as we got into his car.

    "But I can't skate." I told him, buckling up as we pulled out of the parking lot.

    "That's what I'm here for." He smiled. "To help you learn."

    "Okay, as long as you promise me I won't fall."

    "Can't guarantee anything but I'll try my best." He told me. "You know I would never make you do anything that would hurt you." He took a right turn. "I'll be right there by your side the whole time. You have nothing to worry about." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and gave him a thankful smile.

    When we got to the skate park I could see everyone doing crazy tricks. They were skating up and down the ramps, going high in the air. I grabbed Beckett's hand as we stepped into the park. "Okay, safety first." He told me, placing a helmet on my head. It was too big for me so it covered my eyes. He began giggling at me. "You're so cute." I hissed back at him. He tilted the helmet back and adjusted it for me. He then handed me elbow and knee pads. I slipped them on and then he placed the skateboard down in front of me. I looked down at the board with worry and then back up at him. "You can hold my hand if you want." He held it out to me as I tried to get onto the board. I held onto his hand as the board wobbled. I finally got on and then he said. "Now, we skate." He started walking slowly and the board began moving along. I let out a nervous laugh. "Faster?" He asked me. I nodded, unsure. He went a little faster.

    "Beckett!" I screamed, we were approaching a pole. "We're gonna crash!"

    He walked around it and then said, "I told you, I'm not going to let you get hurt." We made our way back. "Can I let go of your hand?" I shook my head, no. "Come on, you can do it."

    "Beckett." I said, scared.

    "I'll be right beside you." He told me. "I promise."

    "Okay." I whispered. He let go and I began skating. Slowly at first and then going a little faster.

    "Yes, Harlyn!" He cheered.

    "Wooooooo!" I screamed, my arms waving in the air. I was too excited I didn't notice the pole approaching.

    "Harlyn, watch out!"

After he screamed I focused on where I was and realized I was so close to being knocked out by a pole. I held my hands out and let out, "Aghh!" I hopped off the board and then Becket came running towards me.

"You alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded, picking up the board.

"See, you could do it." He smirked.

"It was really fun." I admitted. We walked to a bench and took a seat. I pulled off the knee and elbow pads and then unclicked my helmet, placing all of the gear beside me. "Thank you." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"That was all you." He said, holding his hands up. "I just helped you gain the confidence you needed. You had it in you all along." He gave me a genuine smile that made my heart flutter with joy.

As we sat there I realised loving someone pulls you out of your shell. The right love can change you for the better. And right here, right now with Beckett I knew that our love has always been this way. Our love has always been right.

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