Hour 9

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Hour 9

(3:00 PM EST)

    "Beckett you should wear tights." I joked as we got to the parking lot of the yoga studio.

    "Would you like that?" He raised an eyebrow.

    "Never mind, no tights." I laughed. We grabbed our yoga mats from the back of his truck and walked into the studio. We decided to take a beginner class since neither of us have taken a yoga class before. When we got into the class it was super hot.

    "Why is it so hot in here?" Beckett panted, taking a sip of water. We placed our mats onto the ground and waited for the teacher to come. We placed our other stuff on the side. As I came up from placing my stuff down I saw a sign that said, "Hot Yoga."

    "Uh, Beckett..." I called him over.

    "What?" He asked.

    "The reason why it's so hot is that it's hot yoga." I pointed to the sign.

    "Where's the regular class?" I shrugged. "Let's try to go find it because i'm going to die if I have to do yoga in here."

    "What a diva." I giggled. We rolled up our mats, got our stuff and walked out of the room. We walked down the hall looking for the regular beginner class.

After a long time of searching we found it and got inside just as the teacher came. We started in what was called, "childs pose." We had to hold each position for what felt like a long time. Beckett and I kept joking around even though the room was suppose to be quiet. We soon got into "downward dog." I couldn't stop laughing at Beckett because he looked like he was struggling. We made weird faces at eachother when we we're suppose to have our eyes closed.

The class ended after an hour. We both collapsed to the ground and laid on our mats for a while. As another student was about to leave we yelled, "Could you take a picture for us please." They rolled their eyes, obviously annoyed at us for interrupting their class, but took the picture anyway. Beckett and I got in different positions and looked up at the camera. They took a few pictures before handing back the camera. "Thank you." Beckett and I sang.

We rolled up our mats and then left the Yoga studio. The yoga studio was pretty far away from everything else so the drive was a while. Our list said we had to go to the grocery store next so we started driving to the store.

"Everyone probably hates us right now." I stated as Beckett got out of the parking lot.

"Did you see we do warriors pose?" He asked. "I was so good at it!"

"Please you could barely do it." I scoffed.

"I was better than you." He smirked.

"No you weren't!" I defended. "That was like the only thing you we're good at."

"I was good at other things too." He said.

"Like what?" I raised an eyebrow. Beckett didn't reply. "Exactly." I stated. "Let's just face it. I'm better at yoga than you."

"I'm not going to let you lie to yourself." He laughed. "I'm just that caring."

"Shut up." I nudged him.

"Excuse me, I'm driving." He gestured to the wheel. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his back out at me. "Love you." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Love you too, but aren't you suppose to be driving?" I grinned.

"Hey, you can't use that line. That's my line."

"Oh is it?"

"Yup." He replied.

"You are a sucky liar." I looked over at him.

"You are sucky at coming up with new lines."

"Well aren't you so funny."

"Thanks, I am." He smiled.

"Ughh." I screamed. I couldn't get him back.

"Just admit I'm better at yoga than you."

"No." I crossed my arms. "Cuz' you're not."

"I'm slightly offended right now." He put his hand back on the wheel.

"Just keep driving." I said.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." He made a Finding Nemo reference which was one of my favorite movies.

I turned on the radio to see if any good music was on. The song "Bright" by Echosmith came blaring through the speakers. Beckett decided to sing along.

"Stop, please just stop." I touched his arm. "I would like to make it to the store without my ears bursting." I joked.

"I know her voice is not very good. I'll just go acapella." He said joking. He turned the radio off and began singing the song without the music.

"Did you see that shooting star tonight? Were you dazzled by the same constellation? Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me? I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right. 'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright. Bright, so bright"

"I didn't mean her I meant you." I covered his mouth and turned the radio back on.

"You're so mean to me. I'm just trying to bless you with my talent."

"I'm blessed already. Thank you though." 

"You're welcome." He kissed the back of my hand.

"That was really creepy." I laughed.

"I thought you liked creepy." He smirked.

"You Beckett Ashby are a handful." I sighed.

"I could say the same about you." He replied. "But love conquers all."

"That was very cheesy." I giggled.

"But it was guda wasn't it?"

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