Something Happened

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"Ahh, I see. Fighting fire with fire. You need one with as as you." Rowan replied, an inquisitive smile on his face.

"Energy? Stubbornness is the word you're looking for. Someone who could help him bear his ego, for it is too big for one man-even one as big as Javier here." A big man with brown hair and light hazel eyes joined in loudly, a man of a much smaller frame kneeling beside him. Javier scoffed, hugging everyone in the manly embrace that all men somehow seem to know.

"This is Matthew, and his submissive Jonathan." Jonathan looked up at me a smiled warmly, and it was then that I decided I'd never seen such a pretty man before. He had blonde hair with bright green eyes, feminine lips on a small, lean body. Matthew ran his hand through his hair and down his naked back, and I could practically hear Jonathan purring from his touch.

Javier went on to introduce me to more of his members and led me over to a seat, sitting down. I dropped to my knees softly beside him, his eyes burning as he watched me.

"You're staying for the show, yes?" Finn asked, and Javier nodded, glancing down at me briefly.

"I'm guessing it will be your first show, Fae?" Rowan asked me, and I nodded-still unsure of how to go about being a public submissive. I looked around as they all conversed. Normally, kneeling beside Javier would've felt weird, and I would've immediately said hell no to the thought of giving him any dominance over me, but at that moment I realized how safe I felt.

It wasn't a position of who is stronger and in control, it was a position of you're mine. A position of protection and absolute devotion.

I watched Jonathan and Matthew, seeing how Matthew looked down at him, not in disgust or pride, but in a state of claim and love. I was understanding.

I was finally understanding him.

Javier's hands were on my sides, pulling me up into his lap, forcing me into the conversation.

"Tell us how you met, Master Javier." Jonathan exclaimed excitedly, and I bit back my smile as he bounced eagerly on Matthew's lap.

"We met due to Fae's unending supply of stubborn wit and vulgar singing." Javier kept it short, leaving them with questioning looks toward me.

"Javier was hiding in the bushes watching innocent young women, waiting for his attack." I added, confusing them even more. They all laughed as I explained the story completely, immediately relaxed with them.

"-Not to mention she disrespected me entirely." Javier interrupted-an underlying tone of fake anger as a small smile graced his face.

I then made a huge mistake.

I rolled my eyes.

I had made myself comfortable in the warm presence of his friends and members, forgetting entirely the way Javier would react. In the corner of my eyes, I noticed the slight movement of Rowan's hand as it fisted slightly in reaction to my actions.

It was out of hilarity, not a menacing eye roll-but I knew I was in trouble.

I watched as everyone's eyes widened-Rowan smirking, his eyes holding humor.

I froze, not able to even register what was happening as I was thrown over his shoulder, his hands tight around my thighs.

I looked over at everyone in the lounge, mouthing for much needed 'help'.

They all laughed, Javier turning around quickly.

"Is something funny?" it wasn't a question.

The laughter died, replaced with looks of innocence. When he turned around, their knowing glances filled me with a terrified excitement.

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