When they arrived at Jasmine's school, Liam told her to go to the office with him.

"Hi Jasmine, who's this?" Leanne asked, getting up from her chair.

"Hello, I'm Liam, Jasmine's brother."

"Ah, well, nice to meet you Liam." She responded, giving him a warm smile. "Is there something I can help you two with?"

"Uh, yeah actually. So, someone, a teacher specifically, is.." Liam glanced over at Jasmine, who had a sad look on her face. "Um, seeing..Jasmine."

"What?" Leanne said, appalled that a teacher would date a student that they worked with.

"What was his name?" Liam nudged Jasmine's arm with his elbow gently.

"Harry.." She mumbled.

"Harry Styles? The fucking new teacher I had hired just yesterday?" Leanne said, becoming angry.

She couldn't lie, Leanne did feel attracted to him. She had wanted to try to have dinner with him because fuck, he was hot. Plus, she wanted to get in his pants too.

"I just thought that I should let you know so." Liam shifted his feet.

"Well..thank you for telling me, Liam."

"No problem." Liam and Jasmine started to walk out before Leanne called out Jasmine's name.

"I'll wait outside for you." Liam said as he left the building to wait by the entrance.

Jasmine nodded in response, going back inside of Leanne's office. "Y-Yes?"

"Oh you can fucking quit with the goddamn innocent act, Jasmine."

"E-Excuse me?" Jasmine replied, taken back at Leanne's unusual change of mood toward her.

"So what did you do? Seduce him? Screw him?" She squinted her eyes, walking slowly toward her.

Jasmine backed up as she continued walking forward, "W-What? S-Seduce w-who??"

"You act all innocent when I bet what you do after school is just suck off your little friend Louis."

Jasmine stuttered, not being able to form a sentence.

S-Suck off Louis? What did she mean? Why is she acting like this all of a sudden? Jasmine wondered.

"I-I don't understand.."

"Stay away from Harry, alright? You're too young for him, he wants an experienced woman. Not a little virgin like yourself."


"Get out of my office." Leanne said firmly, not even trying to make a second of eye contact.

Jasmine swallowed and quickly went out of her office. She walked to the entrance where Liam stood, waiting for her.


The walk was mostly silent, with an occasional small talk. But as soon as the front door opened Jasmine sprinted up the stairs to her room. She slammed her bedroom door shut, taking off her shoes and grabbing her phone. Jasmine laid on her side in bed, going to Harry's contact to text him. But before she could, she received a text from him.

daddy: hi princess, text me when u can

Harry had Jasmine's contact name as 'princess' while Jasmine had his as 'daddy.'

princess: hi daddy

daddy: hello princess !

princess: hi :D

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