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"It is time!" I scream out. Time for me to become who I truly am. The fire burns, like I want the whole world to burn! I need to become stronger, more powerful. I smell smoke. It is sweet to my soul. She needs to be alive for this all to work. For me to create a new world. Something most cannot imagine. Something many humans would consider sick and murderous and psychopathic. I stopped having human emotions years ago. I watch them run. People in pain make me laugh. I would have left Skyler to die, but she is too important. My own personal project. The fire is taunting me, laughing at me. I step in and feel my body become engulfed. First heat and then it gets cold, freezing cold. I feel my face morphing. My eyes changing. I melt away and form a new. Ready to create my perfect world. A world of death!


I sit in the darkness of my room. Waiting for someone to tell me she is okay. Needing her to be okay. In my hand I hold two pieces of paper that I took from the bunker. A memory erasing solution and the cure to that solution. If Skyler is dead I don't want to be able to remember her. I don't want to remember all the pain I went through knowing she may never love me, and then when she kissed me I knew there was hope. But hoping is a wast when she is near death. I can picture her face in my mind. How much I wanted to kill myself when I saw her kissing Cole. I was going to die either way. That is when Terra comes in my room. She looks like a more mature version of Sky, but with dark brown hair instead of dirty blond. "Nate come to the infirmary with me, you have to see this."

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