Chapter 7

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After attempting to read for 15 minutes I realize its pointless. Maybe I should just go exploring. Something tells me this is wrong but something even deeper down tells me I need to do this. I fight the urge to stay back and push open my door and head into the dark hallway. The hallway looks almost ghostly with no one in it unlike all the times I have snuck out before. This is different . I can barely see the room numbers. The only light is coming from the button on the elevator. I guess thats where I'm heading. Inside the elevator a new button has reviled itself. As I press the button a loud alarm sounds. I close the door before its too late. Behind me I hear the sound of loud footsteps. Except for the button everything else seems normal. The alarm still screeching as the door slides open. I choke back both the sensation to both vomit and cry as I see the sight before me.

In front of me I see about thirty dead bodies. The look human except their faces are morphed and almost melted off. Everything else on their bodies are covered in soot. The elevator door closes and the room is black. Two eyes blink open staring at me. Red, red like the fires of hell. Looking in them I feel like I'm being held in the arms of the devil.With The alarm still beating steadily I take a step back and one blinks as I press the elevator button. The door opens with a swish. I see their horrifying faces, morphed, melted. Those eyes stare at me. Like they expect me to die on the spot. I will not give up that easy. One starts to walk towards me. I run towards the elevator the door closes snapping its arm off. "What the hell was that." I say to no one. The arm is laying motionless and bloody on the floor of the elevator. Suddenly the alarm shuts off. I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. The doors ding open and I'm on my floor. Did I even press the button? I nod it off I probably did in the panic of the situation. I walk down the hallway and I stand outside my door trying to open it for about a minute until I realize I need a key. Quickly I swipe the key and dash off into my room before anyone notices.

Eventually I fall asleep but there's still a small hole of fear that burning through my soul. I wake up to brightness. Too bright, I know something is wrong. I notice my room is almost completely empty. Yeah something is definitely wrong. What do you do in situations like this? Panicking won't help. But how can I live my life as normal when those things are just above me? All I can do is get a shower and get ready. If this is my last day alive I might as well make the best of it! As normal the alarm goes off. The alarm clock is red. Red like those eyes. I make a small chocking noise that I've never heard myself make before. After standing for about 5 minutes I hear the hallway start clear and I register where I am. Quickly I rush towards the elevators. 'Lateness will not be tolerated' that small annoying voice says. When I finally reach the cafeteria everyone has already started eating. I see Nate's adorable brown eyes as he waves at me, next to him Cole. I shiver at the sight of him. The worst about this entire situation is that the only available spot is in between the two. I take a seat and eat silently. Around me everyone is talking except for me. Cole breaks into a huge production about how he forgotten half of his new formula. An announcement prompting us to go to are designated section is made.

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