Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:


I feel the knives cut into my skin, unable to move or cry out from the pain I want to die. They started with my ankles I feel a sharp throbbing as they cut off half of my pinkie toe. Then they move on to cutting my wrists. I want to scream. I see them take out a small pair of scissors and head for my long dirty blond hair. Brown and blond strands fall on the floor all around me. They stop leaving it halfway down my neck. I feel one of them grabbing my hand I try to close my eyes but they can only stay closed for seconds at a time. Why are they doing this to me, isn't death punishment enough? The other other takes out a lighter and slowly burns each finger and then burns my hand. I look down I am surrounding by blood and hair. Tears well up in my eyes but I will them back. I will not cry in front of them. I will not give them the pleasure. Next they take out a whip and I feel my knees numb. Then there is an itch that grows to the pain of burning alive. Again and again the burning comes and goes until a pass out! I wake up to a voice."Enough is enough boys! We can have her dying unhappy, now can we?" That voice so familiar yet so distant. A figure appears into view. Mrs. North. The same woman who I met on my first day . "Do we know why we're here Miss Skyler?" She sounds like a school teacher. I grit my teeth. Maybe this will wear off and I can kill her. "I'm afraid you saw a little too much of some things you were never supposed to see. Things that are created to help us win, you have hindered our plan for a proper beginning, so now its time for you to say goodbye to this world." I see her raise the axe almost like she was going to chop wood. Except the wood is me. Her eyes red with power. I close my eyes and hope it will be a painless death.

My eyes flutter open after a few seconds. Why am I not dead yet? I look and see Mrs. North talking into her blue tooth. "Those idiots are where? Well get them out." then a pause. "I don't care if they're gone go find them." The axe still firmly clutched in her hand. The floor covered with bloody hair, Maybe when I did die and this is hell. No, if I was dead I would not be feeling blood slowly leaving my body. Mrs. North's hair mangled her, eyes angry and hatful. I hear her mumble a curse as I drift off into a world of black.


"You cannot kill her I need her." I hear from my headset. It is his voice. The one with the powers beyond my control. I am sick of being told what to do. I lift up my axe. The girl is asleep, maybe if she dies painlessly I would get off scot free. She is different, I've known since we took her. She can change this she just doesn't know. So innocent, but I made her that way. You can kill her! I say to myself. I've done it before. Those daggers, axes, knives. Instant death, all those people who dare to disagree with us. I start to swing my axe. Suddenly I feel the blade entering my neck. I try to struggle but my head is already separated from my body. Blood pours out of where my neck should be. I try to scream but I have no vocal chords. Blood streams from my mouth my mouth. I see him, that boy, the solider cry out in pain at the sight of her. He thinks she is dead. Foolish boy. He lifts her up and gently pushes the hair out of her face. "God no!" He screams "God no." Out of the corners of my eyes I see the morphed ones rush in with their daggers and that is the last thing I see before my vision blurs.


I am drifting in empty space. I am not dead. I want to be. But I am not. I hear the swords. I feel him holding me, I heard him call out to god. Praying for me to survive. Needing me to be alive. I am alive. Well half alive. I feel him set me down. His familiar scent starts fade. I hear him fighting. Screams of pain, screams of pain. And then it just stops. I want to shutter as I hear Cole's voice.

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