Chapter 10

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All the training is helpful. But this is not the enemy I was expecting. Dark red burning eyes like the pit of hell themselves. Stronger then average humans and smarter too. It takes more then three hits directly in the heart to kill them. I feel the dagger enter my knee, I scream out in pain. That is when they all fall silent and pass out as he enters. The dagger still wedged in my knee. "H-how did you do that?" I spurt out in amazement. "They must have just stopped." He shrugs. We both know he is lying but questioning it might bring them back. "She's not dead you know! She will be soon, but not yet." He says to me. He is standing over her. I notice the very small rise of her chest. I lift her up in my arms. "Lets just get out of here." I say as calm as I can.


The rise and fall of his chest. The pain that covers my entire body. The feeling of my skin falling off of my legs. I am not dead. I feel him carry me. Every time we move my body moves. My breath shortens and I feel him quicken his pace. He really does love me. 'And you love him' A voice from inside of me says. I see the darkness. It wants to consume me, I am want to fall but know I have to hang on. For him, for whatever family I really have. I need to fight. Around me I can hear the elevator ding. I can hear Nate whisper to me. "Don't die on me." "Please just don't die on me." And alarms that sound. Cole says something. I feel like I'm tied to a rope over the darkness. Every few seconds the rope lowers itself. If this were the movies someone would come to save me. But this is real. The fall is real. I am real. The lower I go the harder I try to hold on. Suddenly the rope breaks and I fall into the darkness.

I see them emerge from the ground in the distance. A boy carrying a girl in his arms. He drops to his knees. Our group rushes up to them and takes the girl out of his arms. I know who the girl is. I knew the moment I saw that dirty blond hair. I know they will not let me see her like this but I try to run anyways. Oliver pulls me back. "Are you sure you want to see that?" He asks me. "No, but I'm sure I have too!" He kisses me suddenly and sweetly. "I love you! You know that right?" I look at him straight in the eyes. "I love you too!" I rush up towards the scene that is unfolding before me. The boy on the ground, un moved from the spot where they took Skyler from him. I see the meds putting her on a gurney trying to shade me from the sight. "I want to see her!" I shout at Maryann one of the top medics. "That is not a good idea, she is in pretty horrible shape and..." I interrupt her."She is my sister and goddammit I'm going to see her, even if it kills me." She steps aside knowing I am not one to mess with. She has seen me like this before but it was Oliver who was hurt. I see my sister for the first time in months. Her hair cut in spikes halfway down her neck, the blood making it stick to her face. The skin half falling off her legs. Her pinkie toe is cut in half. Burn marks all the way up her arms. Blood is everywhere. Her blood, pieces of hair stuck with blood to the skimpy dress she is wearing. I want to cry but I can't find tears. I just stand there for a second wondering what kind of monster could have done this to her. I take a step back and let the medics do their work. I walk over, and get the car Oliver has started. "Let's just go back to the shelter." I tell him knowing I sound far away. Probably because I am. For a while I just sit there and stare at nothing.


Where has Cole gone? One minute he was there and the next minute it was just me and Skyler. Skyler! She's gone! They've taken her from me. I yelp in pain from the dagger still in my knee. The start to surround me. Pulling out the dagger. Lifting me on to a gurney! I see flames out of the corner of my eye. Red, orange and black flames. They wheel us into cars. Separate cars. I need to see her. Is she dead? Has she left me? No! I would know. Wouldn't I? "Wouldn't I?" I scream! These people must think I am crazy. But The only person I care about is probably dead and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her.

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