12.-Us Against Them-

Start from the beginning

 "Just in case" he uttered after noticing that Maine is looking at him. 

 "We're in a hotel ... they're not gonna come in"

 "But we're also in a cabin right in the middle of the woods Maine ... and guess what? they followed us ... it's better to be safe than be sorry"

"Fine ... you'r right ... what can I do to help?" Maine asked before sitting beside him. Alden then looked at the bed before looking at her. Thinking it'll be a great way to mess with her mind a bit, he smirked and it drove her crazy. 

"No way Alden! There's no way I'm gonna go in that bed with you"

 "Why not? come on, we're both single ... a little fun would never hurt"

The young guy noticed how she started blushing even though she's supposed to be protesting. It's clear to him now, Maine likes him as well. 

"No ... no no" Maine replied before standing up, she then grabbed her things from her bag and started heading towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower, don't you dare come in" she added with a finger pointed at Alden. 

 "Alright .... not a lot to see anyways" he replied, only to receive a flying slippers straight to the face. 


 Maine then laughed and closed the door behind her. Alden smiled, knowing that if this continues for a certain amount of time then there's a massive chance they'll end up being something more than what they are right now. 


A couple of hours have passed and Maine finally let loose. She and Alden were on the bed looking at the ceiling while wondering when is the dinner coming in. 

"I have a question"

 "What is it?" Maine asked before looking at him.

 "How was your life before all of this happened? I mean ... was it great?"

 "It was ... alright I guess. Mum and Dad are almost always busy with their works that I'm starting to forget how it feels like to have a real family. There's this head maid of ours ... her name is Consuelo , she became my second mother"

"Where is she now?"

 "She ... died two years ago" Maine answered before wiping a single tear away. She still misses Consuelo a lot ... so much actually. 

 "I'm sorry" 

 "That's alright" the young girl uttered before looking at him. Maine then sat up and looked at Alden. "What?" he asked, confused. 


 "How long can you last? Maine asked. Alden's mind automatically produced a thousand racing thoughts just as his heart skipped a beat. 

 "How long can I last where? In bed?" Alden asked, genuinely shocked. 

 "Not in bed you moron"

 "Then where?" 

  "In this situation ... how long will it take before you give up?"

 "Never" he replied and pulled her in. Before, he was able to convince himself that this is all a job but after everything they went through ... he couldn't deny it anymore. He likes her, he likes her a lot. 

 Alden was about to steal a kiss from Maine, when suddenly ... her phone started ringing. 

 "Hello Dad?" she asked as soon as she picked up. 

 "That was close Alden, control yourself" the young guy told himself before getting out of bed. 


 "How are you?"

 "I'm okay ... Dad where are you? I wanna see you ... I miss you so much"

 "I'm alright ... I heard about what happened near the lake. Where's Alden? Is he alright?"

 "Yes he is" Maine replied before looking at him. 


 "What? daddy?"

 "Did you come back home?"

 "A few days ago"

 "Why would you do that?"

 Hearing that question confused her so much, and so Maine asked her father why. 

"Tell me ... are you sure no one saw you come back?"

 "No one ... I'm certain of it"

 "Maine ... make sure no one did ... "

 "Why Dad? what's wrong?"

 "You just gave them the chance to follow you"

 Maine's heart dropped and then looked at Alden. "What's wrong?" the young guy asked. 

 "How are they gonna be able to follow us?"

 "They're just lurking around the corners Maine"

 The doorbell then started ringing, Maine screamed because of it. "It's just a doorbell" Alden uttered. 

 "Dad you're too late ... I think they found us"


that's it for this part guys ^^ what do you think? do you want moore?

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