Where is Eric?

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Melody's perspective: 

So...we're going back in Stockholm..FUCK! I want that night back! I don't know why i have the feeling that something bad is gonna happen... Here we are! I let Eric in the front of his apartment and i'm going home..still having that fucking feeling. 

Eric's perspective: 

Oh..i already miss her.. Okay..where did you put those keys?? I'm always losing them..typical for me! 

*in the apartment* 

E: Who are...?? aaaaaaa... i..don't..wanna..fall..as...zzzzz 

Melody's perspective:

Oh...it felt like something shot me...why do i have this feeling... OMG!! Eric!! 

I gotta go to him right now!! 

She fast got up in the car and run as fuck to Eric's apartment...there she had a big surprise.. 

M:OMFG! What happened here? And where is Eric?? 

She saw a lot of steps traces on the floor...she also saw a gun which the kidnappers probably left it there by mistake... She carefully took it and put it in a clues bag. There..desperate she left the apartment..she kinda know who are the kidnappers.. 

*at the spy center* 

Varti:Why do you have this face?? What the fuck happened?? 

Diddy:Please,don't tell me that...

Moa:OMG! It happened?? 

Katrin: OMFG!!

Josipa:It really happened? 

Indré: OW OW OW! Wait a second..i'm confused...what happened? You had sex or he was kidnapped?! You have the same face... *acting Melody's face* 

Tamara:Yeah...agree!! Can you tell us what the fuck happened? 

Melody:Both happened.. 


Varti,Indré,Diddy: And how was to have sex with him? 

Melody: Cool,hot..omg!! what the actual fuck am i saying here?? He was kidnapped!! 

Varti:We have to save him...any plan? You know who kidnapped him? 

Melody:yeah..a kind of...but the problem is that he doesn't have what they want...I HAVE IT! *and she is showing the Cat's Eye* 

Varti:So that means that they'll torture my cute teddy for nothing? 

M:Be careful with that "cute teddy" and yeah... 

Suddenly Melody's face became red and some tears fell on her cheeks.. 

Diddy: We will find him..i know we will...

Melody:It's just my fault... 

Varti:Do you wanna be slapped?? Actually is his dad's fault! He put him in danger! 

M:Yeah..but i was supposed to protect him,not to play with Eddie... 

I:Dude,the game with Eddie was the bonus... You protected him when you were with him,but he was kidnapped when he was in his apartment...what do you want? to be with him even in the shower?! 

D:Totally agree... 

T:Hello!! Are we finding a plan here or..?

Moa:Yeah..stop talking about Eddie and his magic powers...

J:haha...yeah..let's find a plan! we will talk about Eddie later.. 

K:or we can stop talking about Eddie for a while.. 

I'm human,not an unicorn!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ