Chapter 24: The Girl On My Phone

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Jesse's POV:

(In taxi on the way to the hospital)

"Thank you for doing this, you have no idea how much this means to me," I say trying to make conversation, its better than Beca's way of starting a conversion 'So how's life', I don't think this is the time to ask about her life.
"I do Jesse, I saw it in your eyes how much she means to you. I couldnt let you become heartbroken, I know what it feels like," she says looking at me.
"Thank you and I'm sorry about everything that's happened to you, and I'm sorry for yelling at you, but when you care about someone so much, you would do whatever it takes to help them,"

I stare down at my phone which I've been gripping tightly just in case there's been an update in the hospital. I press my thumb on the home button and just stare for a while, right now my lock screen is the only thing that makes me happy at the moment. By just looking at the most beautiful person in the world on a screen, makes me think of the way I felt everyday when I am greeted by her smile, her voice, her eyes, her lips. The the closest thing right now I have to my little weirdo is a picture on a phone, just the thought of that makes me die a little inside, what if I'm never greeted her smile, her voice, her eyes or her lips again. What if these pictures on my phone are all I have left of her. It pains me to think that, but it's like that thought is the Roman army conquering my entire brain to believe that in reality Beca might not be as good as I hoped. A feeling starts filling up in my body, rising up, almost drowning me in this fear of losing the best person in the world, tears well up in the corners of my eyes. Much restrain is needed to hold them back. A thick layer of fear covers my eyes in the form of tears, distorting my vision, making it feel like I am drowning. I feel my eyes get reder and reder, until I just give in and let a single shard of my emotions slide down my face, it almost feels like it's cutting me as its cold against my hot skin. The tears drips off my face and onto my phone, which happens to be the picture of Beca. That single tears hitting the phone is like a glass bowl being thrown into a solid floor. I can feel Sarah's eyes glaring at me.

"Is that her?" She asks with a softer tone than before, probably because she feels sorry for me. She looks at my phone to see the picture I've been staring at for the past five minutes.
"Yeh that's Beca," I choke as I can feel more tears rising up.
"Wow I forgot how beautiful she was,"
"Yeh shes perfect,"
"You really love her don't you,"
"I do, with all my heart, no words can describe how much a care and cherish this woman, shes the one and I cannot loose her," Sarah pauses for a minute then...

"Here take this, this was my mom's, her and my dad had the best marriage anyone could ever have, I never wore it for some reason and I guess that's why my marriage was crap, but I want you to have it Jesse. Give it to Beca when your ready to start a life with her, I may not know Beca like I used to but I do know I would not want anyone to marry my daughter unless I knew that they loved her like my dad loved my mom, and you do," she looks at me and I could tell that she was serious.

In her hand holds an engagement ring.

It was beautiful, vintage looking with alot of work gone into it, something that looks way, way out of my price range, something Beca deserves. Beca loves simple and black when it comes to what her jewellery looks like, but this I think she will like no matter what.

"Thank you, I love your daughter so much and when she survives this with the help of you, I will make sure I will never let her be like this again," I look at Sarah as she hands my the ring, I take it and keep a right grip of it, Beca will be okay, I know it.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but here's my next chapter. Next chapter I might do a flashback of what happened between Sarah, Beca's dad and Beca!! Hope u liked it xx BTW I will show u the ring soon.

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