Chapter 5: Facing the Bellas

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Beca's POV:

This is happening right now, so telling the Bella's that were moving in together may not be as scary as I'm making it out, but I feel like Im abandoning them. Yeah I know Cynthia Rose moved to Maine, Fat Amy moved in with Bumper (they only moved a few blocks down), Stacie has a small modeling job, Flo didn't get deported and she now works in a Mexican restaurant in the city next to us, Jessica and Ashely moved to opposite sides of the city (you would think they were inseparable), and who knows what Lilly is up to. But LA is like an hour away from these girls and it's gonna be weird not seeing then as often as we do now. I really hate how soft I've become because of the Bellas and Mr Swanson over there, but the strange thing is if it wasn't for these awesome nerds I would probably be a complete loner and would not going to one of the best music producing studios in the country, and I defiantly wouldnt have met Snoop Dogg (God i'm still mentally in shock).
The worst thing the Bellas could handle the news is to cry or scream in happiness ( not bad, but bad for my ear drums), but let's face it thats probably gonna happen knowing these weirdos.
"Hey Becs. Are you ready?," he whispers into my ear as the girls are just in the next room. I nod. "Do you want me to tell them?" He offers. "No, these are basically my family, I'll tell them," He subtly kisses my head and I lead into the lounge.

Chloe's POV:

I sit on the edge of the couch next to Stacie. We were supposed to be talking about the auditions for the new line of Bellas, but let's face it, 'Jeca' is the thing we really want to talk about. How can we not talk about it, Beca has everything we want, the perfect guy, (apart from Cythia Rose, but she still thinks this is really cute!). Beca the badass with Jesse the perfect boy next door, everyone's dream, but you wouldnt think that with Beca Mitchell.

Beca and Jesse walk in, or as we like to call them Jeca. They're tightly holding each others hands. Beca looks nervous. I don't say anything because I have a feeling that she has something to say. "Hi guys," (told you) she says anxiously, trying not to make eye contact with us. "I um er ... God this is more difficult then I thought," she stutters and does that awkward smile/laugh thing she does when she's in these types of situations. Wow, this must be big if she is struggling this much to tell us, shes not pregnant is she?!!?

Beca's POV:

"We have some news to tell you," Why am I making a big deal out of this, well I guess the text has made me a bit on edge, but its not like I'm pregnant or anything. God just say it!!! It will be fine!! Their gonna be happy for me and Jess!!
"Omg are you pregnant!!?? Engaged??!!" Fat Amy blurts out.
"No!!!" I shouted, that was really subtle Becs. "Me and Jesse are actually... Breaking up!" The whole room went silent, the bellas faces are in awe! "God I'm joking, wow you believe anything " I say letting out a little smirk. All the girls sigh in relief. I think Jesse just wants me to get it over with now by the look he gave me.
"So what are you trying to tell us Beca?" Says Emily with concern on her face, she still looks adorable.
"Well Jesse and I are moving to LA together!" I hold my breath waiting for a reply.

"Omg!!! That's amazing!" Chloe shouts, the Bellas contributed by screaming and shrieking in happiness, taking the stress off my shoulders.

Suddenly a wave of Bellas start attacking me with hugs. "Ahh," I let out a sarcastic scream. I look to my left and see them hugging Jesse as well. "What have we done?" He mouthes to me (he's being sarcastic If you couldn't tell), I smile and shake my head.

I felt this chapter was a bit boring but don't worry more exiting things are coming up soon!! I wanted to show what Beca was feeling in this one. Hope you liked it xxx

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