Chapter 1: Let's recruit some new Bellas

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Beca's POV:

"It's so wierd being back at Barden" I think to myself. Yeah, I know it's only been a few months ago since I graduated with those nerds over there, but I thought I saw the last of this place. This sound like I'm back at school, don't worry, some of the Bellas and I are helping Emily recruit some new Bellas. It's strange, it only seemed a few weeks ago since Chloe and Aubrey were asking me to join, and Aubrey being an extreme bitch to me may I add.

The activities fair was packed, yet you would think we would have loads of girls wanted to join after we, I don't know (sarcasm), won the world championships of a capella, nothing special or anything (again sarcasm for those slow people out there).

Handing out leaflets is so boring, obviously I don't say that, but I'm sure they could all tell how bored I was by the expression on my face, which coincidentally is my usual face expression.

Emily has a a cute smile on her face, god does she ever not smile, only joking I love Em (not in that way you sick people). Chloe is here looking perky, like she was on the first day of freshmen year. I bet she loves this, anything to remind her self of the best times in her life, but I love seeing her doing what she loves. Fat Amy is also here also looking bored as hell. You my be wondering where the other Bellas are (or not), well believe it or not they are going on with their lives, which I should be doing seeing as I have a job and a boyfriend ,I hate saying boyfriend, well think that, but I love thinking it as well, it makes me sound girly, but I love him. Speaking (thinking) of Jesse there he is being a dork with Benji and Bumper trying to do what we are doing (but better).

Jesse's POV:

Man this is awesome. The boys are back, well for a few hours while we recruit new Trebles. So far it's working, I guess singing 'What makes you beautiful - One Direction', which is so old, really attracts the guys? (Strange I know!) By the way, I did NOT choose this song, it was Benji (the little nerd). As we sing the chorus I look right at my girl Beca, meaning every word I sang. She looks at me and gives me a look which probably means 'dude you're so embarrassing, please stop!'. Then she gives me a smile, the most gorgeous smile may I add, and then giggles at me.

Some of the other old Trebles are giving out leaflets as well as singing, who says men can't multi - task, never mind one of them triped over, wow.

Beca's POV:

Oh wow, that dude just triped over. Jesse seems to be having a good time, he's such a wierdo, but he's my wierdo. A girl walks pass us.
"Hey do want to join the Barden Bellas," says Chloe enthusiastically. The girl completely egnors her. "Arrgg!!" She groans. "I don't understand, why doesn't anyone want to join!". Chloe says, her smile has now turned into a frown.
"Are we that repulsive?" I say not making the situation any better, but sarcasm is my thing.
"How are we, I'm here," says Fat Amy in her Australian accent. I smirk, I love how confident she is with herself.
"Hey, come on guys, it's still early, we can do this!" Says Emily positively.
"No offense Em but your still the dumbest one here," says Amy, we all give Amy a stern look. "I'm sorry Em but I don't feel that positive anymore and plus I need food," Amy apologies.

I look over at the Trebles again, some guys queuing up to get a leaflet. Dam how do they do that, well actually I know how, there singing and having fun, and here we are looking bored AF. I look at Chloe, she looks back at me, I think she has the same idea as me. "I have an idea," I say at the girls. The four of us grouped together.
"We need to sing," whispers Chloe (I don't know really why we're whispering, but i go along with it) I'm so glad she got what I was thinking, which is wierd.
"What song?" Whisper Em.
"We need a song that's upbeat yet showing girl power," Amy there getting way to into this.
"What about a Taylor Swift song," Emily suggests, she is a bit obsessed with her. I looks back at the Treble Makers who are now singing a John Meyer song, I'm actually surprised that I knew that (let's just say he's not my favourite singer), an idea popped in my head. "I have an idea, follow my lead," I say, if this was 3 years ago I would never do this, but anything to recruit the new generation of Bellas. I start to sing 'I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift' (what's all these songs from like 3 years ago). They all join in. We get really into it.

Suddenly girls started to watch and actually pick up leaflets. Chloe looks at me as if she is saying 'This is awesome, great idea' well that's what I imagined she would say, but we're singing.

Jesse's POV:

Wow, they sound great, Beca looks so cute, but if I said that to her she would probably punch me in the arm.
We finish our song and start to pack away the table and banner, when I see Beca walking towards me, dam she's hot. "Hey wierdo," She shouts to me.
"Hey Becs, how did you guys do over there, you seemed to get a lot of girls over at your stall." I say.
"Great, thanks to you guys,"
"How did we help?"
"I saw you singing together and that seemed to draw people in, so I stole your idea," She smiles at me after she says that. Her gorgeous smile.
"Well you're welcome," I say. Beca gives me that expression that she usually gives me, the 'you're so wierd' look.

Then she puts her arm around my back and I put my hand over her shoulder, here brown leather jacket is cold to touch. I kiss her head, her hair smells like her favourite shampoo (it smells like strawberries), and we start walking out of Barden. "Fancy a coffee, it's on me, we deserve a break," i say. She looks at me and gives my a kiss on the lips, which I assume means yes, and we walk to the coffee shop together holding hands.

A message from the writer.
Sorry this was long and not a lot of Jeca moments happened but I wanted to have a good start to the beginning of the story.
Hope you like it, ill try and upload the next chapter soon with more Jeca. Xxx

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