Chapter 13: Chloe to the Rescue (not really)

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Chloe's POV:

Omg!! "Beca!" I shout running toward the unconscious body lying on the hospital floor. I shake her aggressively, trying to wake her up. The Bellas crowd around her, except for Fat Amy who I can tell will not forgive Beca that easily. I keep shouting Beca's name whilst shaking her, but nothing. Jessica, Lilly and Stacie went to get a doctor or anyone. "Oh crap, shes not waking up," yells Emily holding an ice pack on her nose. I know shes not dead, but she should have woken up by now. On the other hand she did hit her head really hard. I take off my jacket, fold it up and lay it under her head and stroke her hair. God what's happening in that brain of hers?

Suddenly I her people muttering, getting louder and louder, it was some doctors and the Bellas who got them running towards us along with a hospital bed. One doctor crouched down to Beca who was just lying there pale as snow. "Shes just fainted, but he banged her head pretty hard," informed the doctor with information we already figured out! Sorry I'm abit (a lot) on edge right now. He lifts her up and places her delicate body on the bed taking her to the emergency room followed by a herd of Bellas.

I see Bumper and Benji holding coffees and snacks for us all looking very confused, there abit late don't you think. "What's happ- is that Beca?" Says Benji looking more confused than before.
"Beca fainted," I tell them both with panic and stress in my voice.
"What? Why?," asks Benji
"Amy? Honey what happend?" Says Bumper shoving the drinks and snacks into my arms and running over to his beat up girlfriend.
"She got me back," she says a tear trickles down her face full of regret.
"Beca did this?" Asks Bumper brushing his hand through her blonde, messed up weave.
"She went mad, she couldn't control herself, I guess... the anger just overtook her," I but in, rubbing my hand on Amy's arm, because right now I can't take sides, I hope no one makes me choose sides.
"Omg Em!," says Benji softly as he catches a glimpse of his girlfriend with an a bloody nose.
"Did Beca do this aswell?" He says as he embraces her.
"Only by accident, but you can't blame her, it wasn't Beca, well it was, but it wasn't, if you get what I mean," Emily struggles to get her point across.
"So your saying she's bipolar?" Asks Bumper.
"No I'm not saying that! She just let her protective feelings for Jesse mixed with some sort of anger takeover her," Emily adds.
Chloe: "Yeah, but where is this anger coming from?"
Bumper: "isn't it obvious?" Looking at Amy. Amy then punches him in the arm.
Chloe: "You may have beaten up her boyfriend, but I'm sure she understood that you were trying to help you, that it was a misunderstanding. It has to be more then that,"
Emily: "didn't she say something about a text?"
Fat Amy: "yeah, but I didn't send a text to her that might make her extremely pissed. This last text I sent her was asking her of there was going to be any food at the activities fair,".

We all start to walk towards where all the Bellas were, outside of the room where they took Beca. By the way Jesse is still in surgery. They all looked terrified, the shock that 'Jeca' are both in hospital, both unconscious (well we assume Jesse is unconscious).

We are all sitting on the floor outside the room where the doctors are treating Becs, as there are no seats. We are all exhausted, too much drama in one day. Finally the doctors come out. Everyone looks up waiting for them to say how she is, except me, I stand up, I just want to see her, see if she's alright. " Well?," I ask with concern on my face.
"Shes fine." Oh thank God!! "But she needs some rest, all the anger, the stress, the fear, what ever she had building up inside of her, just got to big for her to handle, and it shut her whole body down." The doctor carried on.
"So can we see her?" I say.
"Only a few of you, let's say three at the most, too many people may be too much for her at the moment. The doctors leave. " I'm going in, the rest of you can stay here and look after Fat Amy and Emily. Anyone else want to come?," I ask. I can tell they all want to go, but Cynthia Rose and Flo were ones who offered.

I walk in and sit besides Beca. I grab her hand "Hey how you holding on there?" I say sweetly giving her a smile.
"OK I guess, I'm sorry for putting everyone through that, I couldn't help myself," she says in a quite voice. "Hey," say Beca to Cynthia and Flo. They wave back.
"What happend?" I just come out and say it, I need to know why she did what she did.
"I don't really know, I just got so angry and-, well anyway she got what she deserved,"
"What do you mean she got what she deserved? You beat up one of your best friends Beca! Yeah I understand that she beat up Jesse and now he's in surgery, but why did you go ballistic on Amy!" I yell because talking normally isn't doesn't seem to get me an answer.
"I can't tell you," she starts to raise her voice as well.
"Why not?" I shout getting really pissed off right now.
"Because it cant OK!! I don't want you to get hurt!" This just reminds me of the fight we had at the camp last year, but instead of Beca walking away, I walk away, and let's just say there will be no bonfire after this. I storm out, followd by Cynthia and Flo.
"This is some crazy white shit," you can guess who said that.
"There was this one time where I was in a situation just like this, but someone died," I hear Flo talking to Cynthia Rose as we leave the room.

I storm off down the corridor. God what's so bad that she can't tell us, and how would we get hurt. None of the Bellas follow me, which I good, as I really need some alone time. I come up to room 12 where Jesse was and where the fight broke out. The lights were switched off in the room, but I see something, something reflecting the light from the hallway. I switch on the lights and walk in, to see that the object was an Iphone. The cell phone had a smashed screen and battered edges like someone had thrown it against the wall. I look at the case. It was a Dj case. I turn on the phone (surprisingly it still worked). I looked at the lock scream, it was of Jesse and Beca kissing. It was defiantly Beca's phone, I could tell by the case, or it could be a really creepy person. I know Beca's password so if it is her phone (which it probably is) I can get into it. The year she started college, the year she met all of us. It opened on her text messages. As I'm a naturally curious, and this could help us find out what is happening, I read all of them.

I read in shock. This 'M' person is a sick bitch. I bet she thought it was Amy, it makes sense, but I know its not. That's why Beca lashed out on Amy, to be honest I'm not surprised. I have to talk to Beca now!

I run past the Bellas, Bumper and Benji and into Beca's room. "Chlo what are you- is that my phone?" Beca asks.
"Who is M?" I just say it straight.
"I - I don't know, well I thought it was Amy, but I really don't know anymore," A single tear falls down her face.
"Beca what's going on?" I sit besides her.
"Someone's... Stalking me," silence fills the room, nothing but shock plastered on my face.

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