
87 3 0

I think I'm falling for something - Dylan Gardner
Who you are - Jessie J



"Alright, I'll see you later, bye." The call ended with a click and Terra groaned. She really wasn't feeling up for going out today, she was so, so tired and she had a migraine. Serves you right for staying up so late, she scolded herself.

With a small sigh, Terra stood up and instantly regretted her decision. The world seemed to spin around her and she saw bright spots. Throb throb. She sluggishly made her way to the kitchen and popped a couple of aspirins, gulping them down with some water. Hopefully the blasted headache would be gone by the time she got ready.

She really would rather plop onto her bed right now, she would doze off pretty much immediately. Then again, she promised her best friend that she'd get her lazy ass out of the house for once.

Steph, you motherfucker, Terra thought to herself, I'm going to kill you when I see you.

Fuck you and your promises bullshit.

Terra stepped in the shower, the warm water soothing her aching joints and somehow relieved her throbbing head. She wants to stay in there forever.

After a mental fight with herself on whether to get out or stay in the shower, she reluctantly turned off the tap and wrapped a towel around herself.

Twenty minutes of sifting through the messiest room in history, she slipped into a baggy tee and some jeans. Welp, the perks of living with your boyfriend, messy room all day everyday.

Terra quickly ran her fingers through her hair, deciding to let it air dry. Hair dryers took too much time and effort even without having long hair, and hers just so happen to reach just below her chest in brown waves.

Realizing that she has only 10 minutes left to grab the next train, Terra hurriedly grabbed her bag, slapped on her watch and slipped into her shoes before leaving the apartment, making sure to lock the front door.

The streets were busy, as usual. It's been a month since the monsters resurfaced. News were everywhere that some little kid broke the barrier separating the two worlds. Since then, the city was livelier than ever, filled with people and monsters alike. Terra wasn't one to complain, though, the monsters were pretty darn chill; heck, her neighbours were monsters. Purple ones. Kinda reminded her of Chewbacca, just less.. scary hairy.

Terra reached the subway with 2 minutes to spare. She tapped her purse to the sensor and the revolving bars opened slowly, but surely. She stepped onto the boarding platform and plugged in her earphones, pushing the buds into her ears. The train arrived at the station while she was sifting through her playlists and she settled on a cheerful one.

She needed the boost.

The train ride was awful, Terra hated being in public places, but she hated being in public places alone more. She even kept her eyes fixated on her iPod while walking through the shopping complex even though her fingers did nothing more than swipe at her home screen.

Entering the cafe, she picked a cozy spot right by the window overlooking the lake behind the mall. She sent a text to Steph.

"Hey, I'm here, where are you?" A whooshing sound. It's sent.

"Look behind you." Terra turned and scanned the crowd. There was.. no Steph. What the hell.

She turned back and almost got the shock of the life. Her best friend's face was literally millimeters from hers. Terra let out a small scream and mentally listed the ways she will kill Steph in her sleep tonight.

"Oh my god, you should've seen your bloody face," Steph said, laughing hysterically, "you look like you've seen a ghost. even though there's a family of ghosts. Right there. Behind us."

Terra rolled her eyes. "There's one talking to me right now. You should see your face. Crazy scary."

"Aw come on babe, don't be meeaan," Steph dragged the last word in a lazy drawl. Sometimes Terra wonders why she has friends like this.

The girls grabbed their coffees and went back to their seat. Terra sipped at her extra strong latte, willing the caffeine to pull her out of her lethargic hell.

"Extra shot of caffeine. What's up, Ter? Up all night? League again?" Terra nods. "Fucking nerd,I swear you love that stupid game more than you love Daniel."

The conversation went from Daniel to college, then to Steph begging Terra for her English report, so on and so forth. Finally, when it's time to leave, they hugged each other and said some shitty goodbyes, because Terra hates goodbyes.

The evening sun glowed orange and the weather was just right, not too cold and not too hot, moderately breezy, just how she liked it. Terra walked by the lake, her third cup of latte in one hand, iPod in the other.

Her head was down. Eyes on the screen, reading an e-book. She hated looking up, making eye contact. The thought of it already made her grimace.

Her train of thought went on and on until-- oomf.

Terra knocked into someone. She was frozen in place. Her phone slipped out of her hand, when..? What? Wetness, why is it wet?


Her coffee was long gone, spilt on the unlucky victim to her carelessness, spilt on the grass, spilt on her.


"hey, you alright there pal?" A gruff voice asked. Terra was still in a panicked state of mind, she swore even if she had the world's biggest shovel she still couldn't dig a big enough hole to bury herself in.

She snapped out of her stunned silence in a slur of apologies and profanities.

"Oh fucking hell fuck shit I'm so so so so so sorry fuck fuck fuck fuck shit oh my god fuck I swear I'm so fucking sorry oh no shit I'm-- oh-- fuck--"

Her face was hot. She could hear the blood pumping in her ears. Her vision is blur and her eyes are heating up, her nose is turning sour. Even though she couldn't see the people around her, she's positive they're looking at the scene she's making. Looking. Whispering. Maybe pointing.

Laughing. At. Her.

"holy-- it's alright, hey, come on," the stranger was flustered now. It's all your fault, Terra.

"hey, look," the guy bent down to pick something up, "i think this belongs to ya. better keep it, or else latte ya'll lose it."

The stranger slipped Terra's phone into her hands.

Fucking. Run. Away. You. Embarrassment.

So she did. She ran straight to the bus station nearby, hopped onto the bus and hid herself from the eyes of the world until she got home.

Home, where Daniel was. Daniel wouldn't judge her, she was safe there. Safe. Daniel didn't ask her why she was panting, or why she ran home, or why she cried in the shower where she thought he couldn't hear her. Daniel doesn't judge her like the rest of the world did.

For god knows what reason, possibly sheer curiosity, Terra tried to remember how the stranger looked like; but all she could see was..




..humans are weird, he thought to himself.


"some human spilled their coffee on me, bro. got me in a pretty sticky situation."


Heh. Now he has to get his sweater washed.

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