
            "Yell at me later, okay?" Ruby whispered, "Just enjoy yourself." She turned to Grayson before Lily could get a word.

            "You didn't know, did you?" Seth asked, drawing her attention.

            She peered at him sheepishly.

            He chuckled lightly, "Its okay, I was sort of thrown into this my self."

            She felt slightly relieved, "It was unexpected."

            "I'm happy I came though." He said.

            "Why's that?"
            "My date turned out to be beautiful."

            She smiled despite the unexpectedness of it all. "Thank you."

            The lights dimmed and the trailers flickered onto the black screen. Lily settled into her seat, attempting to make some effort of the night. Seth appeared well-rounded and genuine. Was she being a bit uptight?

            Twenty minutes into the movie, Ruby grew antsy in her seat. "What is it?" Lily demanded.

            "I want some candy."

            Lily gave a soft laugh, "I'll get you some."

            Ruby's green eyes glinted merrily in the theater. "Does this mean you're not mad at me?"

            Lily resisted a grin, "Oh, I plan to scold you the minute we're free, but for the sake of the evening, I'm having a good time."

            Ruby's smile widened, "Raisinets, please?"

            She giggled, "Is it possible that you're just impossible?"

            She moved to stand and immediately Seth followed, "Want me to come with?"

            She shook her head, "Stay, you can fill me in when I return." She said with a smile.

            He nodded and settled back into his seat.

            She was surprised when she strolled into an empty hall and practically expected a tumble weed to come rolling its way down the carpet. Cove Neck was a seemingly small town but for it being a Saturday she had expected somewhat of a crowd.

            Her strides brought her swiftly along the flush, red carpet to the crackling of fresh popcorn and a florescent display of candy boxes.

            Two teenage girls stood lounging behind the counter; one in particular twirled a strand of hair around her finger as the other talked ardently of a boy from their school.

            "Hi." She called to grab their attention. "Can I get a box of raisinets?"

            The girl did a slight roll of her eyes and pushed away from the counter. She swept a box from the display and punched a few keys on her register.

            As Lily handed her the money, she saw Seth coming toward her from the hall.

            She frowned, "Are you leaving?"

            "I thought we could take a walk, you know, give them some space?"

            She was reluctant, especially walking the streets with a man whom she'd just met, but she was anxious to get back into her old regimen of life.

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