[ Season One; Ep Four: The Price Of Gold ]

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"What's your name?" Henry asked Tony. Emma and Tony were walking Henry to his school bus.
"Tony." Tony replied.
Henry chuckled. "Your full name."
"Anthony." Tony said.
"Got a last name?" Henry asked, smiling. Tony bit his bottom lip.
"That is classified information." He said. Henry gave him a look, causing Tony to chuckle.
"I think he's a fugitive and doesn't want to tell us his identity." Emma smiled.

"I'm not a fugitive, it's just... What's this for?" Tony asked.
"I'm writing about you, Emma, and your friends for a report." Henry explained. Tony nodded. "Can we meet up later? Could your friends come too?"
Tony was hesitant to answer. He knew Natasha wouldn't really like this, but she had formed a liking for the kid, maybe it would change.
Clint didn't seem too secretive about his identity, but Steve may tell Henry to be nice. Thor would blab about everything in his life, besides his name.

That's when it hit Tony. He remembered that nobody knew anything about the Avengers, so everyone's identity had to be safe.
"Sure," Tony replied. "We can meet up. How about after school?"
Henry nodded with a big smile on his face. "Yeah, that's great!" He got closer to both adults. "And before I forget, I feel as if we need code names. I need something to call you." Henry was looking at Emma as he said it. Tony bit his lip. This was for Operation Cobra.
You could call her, Mom. He thought. Looking at Emma, he knew she was thinking the same thing.
"Why don't you just call me, Emma, for now." Emma said to Henry. Henry nodded, and looked to Tony.
"My turn? Oh, well... I want it to be cool..." He looked up at the sky, which made Henry smile. "Iron Man."

Henry raised an eyebrow, but then he nodded with a smile. "Alright, and later when you and your friends meet up for a report, we'll talk about code names then." He explained.
Tony nodded. "I will inform them." Henry smiled as he turned towards the bus.
"Well then, see you later, Emma," Henry looked to Tony. "Iron Man." Henry tipped his head as if he wore a hat, and then stood in line to get on the bus.
Once Henry got on, the bus drove down the street, leaving Emma and Tony on the sidewalk.
"Would you like to meet up with the group later for Henry's report?" Tony asked, sticking his hands in the hoodie. It was the same one from the first night he had entered Storybrooke.

"Sure. And really?" Emma asked. "Iron Man? The robot suit that saved New York from those really, really weird creatures?" Tony froze on the inside, and his face flushed.
Oh no...
"... And created by that stuck-up guy? What's his name — " Sirens blared out, and Sheriff Graham's car pulled up next to Emma and Tony.
"Thank you, Sheriff." Tony whispered to himself.
"What's with the siren?" Emma called to Graham, as he got out of his car.
"It's so hard to get your attention." Graham said, walking around his car, and over to them.
"Well, you got it." Emma replied. Tony looked back and forth between the two.
"I'm gonna go, but I'll see you later." Tony told Emma. Before he moved, Emma put her hand on his arm.
"Maybe we'll meet up at Henry's castle." She said. Tony nodded, said a farewell, and jogged down the streets.


Natasha, Thor, Steve, Bruce, and Clint sat in a booth at Granny's Diner. Glasses of water sat on the table, half full and empty. What distracted them from drinking was watching Thor gobble up five pancakes. In disgust, like everyone else, Natasha asked, "How does Jane stand you?" Looking up from the plate, Thor chuckled and shrugged. "No. I'm serious."
Setting down the fork and wiping his mouth with a napkin, Thor replied, "She just does."
"So she's used to it." Clint chuckled. Everyone laughed as Thor shook his head.

"Hey, change of subject, but where's Tony?" Steve asked.
"He went out with Emma to walk Henry to the bus." Bruce replied. Steve bit the inside of his cheek.
"I thought he and Pepper where still working things out." He said.
Bruce shrugged. "I don't know what happened." Steve nodded, then looked down at the table. Out from the corner of his eye, he saw Bruce's facial expressions. He looked tense and fidgety.
"You okay, Banner?" Steve asked. Everyone then turned to Bruce.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, but... What do you guys think of that Mr. Gold guy?" Bruce asked. "Because, he makes The... Other Guy, nervous."
"Really?" Clint asked, amazed. Bruce nodded, his cheeks turning a faded shade of pink.

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