[ Season One; Ep Three: Snow Falls ]

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      Natasha stretched her arms, and cracked her neck. She had awoken in the spare room Mary Margaret let her have, as they were now roommates.
Walking into the kitchen, Mary Margaret smiled to Natasha. "Good morning,"
Natasha smiled back. "'Morning. Off to work I see."
Mary Margaret nodded with a sigh. "Don't want to be late." Natasha looked at the clock.
"You have to be there by eight right? It's seven o'one." She explained. Mary Margaret stopped placing dishes in the sink, and looked at the clock.
"How strange, I saw seven thirty." Mary Margaret said.
Natasha laughed. "It happens to all of us." Mary Margaret laughed. "Hey, how was your date?"

Mary Margaret turned around, gritting her teeth. Natasha instantly regretted asking. "Sorry,"
"No, it's fine." Mary Margaret shooed her hand.
"Did he at least pay?" Natasha asked. Mary Margaret sighed. "What kind of man doesn't pay?"
Mary Margaret laughed. "No, it was me. I'm not exactly... Okay when it comes to talking about myself. Like family things." Natasha nodded. "Oh, I saw Emma last night. She was going to sleep in her car." Natasha opened the cupboard. If she wasn't used to sleeping in odd places in missions, she would've felt surprised or shocked.
"Really?" Natasha faked being surprised.
"Yeah, I offered her to stay here, and she told me she wasn't used to roommates, but maybe you can help me out with talking her into it." Mary Margaret smiled.

Natasha nodded as she poured coffee into the mug. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Mary Margaret walked over and opened the door. Natasha leaned forward, trying to see who was there. Her eyes widen as Mary Margaret closed the door with a bouquet of beautiful white roses in her hand.
"Seems like you have an admirer." Natasha said, making her eyebrows dance.
Mary Margaret laughed, "Actually, you do." Natasha raised an eyebrow as she walked over to Mary Margaret. Taking the bouquet, she smelled the flowers. "Who in this town likes someone like me? I'm not very nice." Natasha said. Mary Margaret pulled something from the bouquet, a card. Her eyes widened and a smile crossed her face.
"I'd say someone young." She turned the card to Natasha.

Your the most beutiful girl I've ever seen
Love, Your Secret Admyerer

"Must be, wrong 'your' and he misspelled beautiful and admirer." Natasha smiled. Mary Margaret laughed. Natasha pulled out a single rose from the bouquet, and handed it to Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret smiled, looking down at it and twirling the flower in her hand.


Natasha spotted the men on the corner of the clock tower, as she had told them to be.
"Morning boys." She called out. The men turned to Natasha, who was smiling as she walked up.
"Good morning!" Thor greeted, smiling. No one else replied. "What?" Natasha asked.
"You're happy." Steve said.
"Yeah, so?" Natasha asked.
"It's just uh..." Tony started. "Never mind."
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But thanks for noticing. I did have a great morning."
"How so?" Bruce asked. Natasha smiled at all the men, and shrugged her shoulders.
"I have an admirer." She said.

Clint looked up, eyes widened. Steve 'ooh'ed like Bruce and Thor, as Tony wolf-whistled.
"Who's the man who has his heart set upon yours?" Thor asked.
Natasha shrugged. "I don't know. The card that came with flowers didn't say." Clint curled in his lips.
"Good," he said. "It could be a creep."
"I don't know," Natasha said. "He wrote such sweet words. To him, I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen." Clint furrowed his brow, becoming frustrated. He was next to Steve and Bruce, but in the back of the group. Tony noticed Clint's frustrated expression. "Clint, are you jealous of the guy?"
Clint's face flushed and his cheeks turned pink.
"Wh — No! No! I just don't like — "
"Someone else crushing on Natasha?"
"No Tony!" Clint yelled.

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