[ Season One; Ep One: Pilot ]

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     Tony Stark trudged his way through the empty streets of Storybrooke. He was cold, tired, and had bloody scratches and bruises all over his face. His suit was completely broken, and had no way to reach his tower or any of the Avengers. Tony had hid his suit next to a long log, and buried under broken pine branches and big leaves. Hugging himself, Tony cringed at the smell of the jacket he had found in a dumpster in the town. It was behind a diner that was closed, and it gave Tony a sudden urge to break in and steal food.

He passed and decided to continue his walk. If anyone was awake in the ghost town he walked into, he would see if there was a phone. Tony thought if Storybrooke was a ghost town. All the lights in every building were off, and a few street lights hardly worked. Tony's hands and fingers started to burn with coldness, and he tried not to shiver since it only made him feel colder.
Looking up, Tony noticed he stood at an old library, with a large clock on top. He cringed in confusion, seeing the time was eight fifteen. Tony remembered he had gone flying around six o'clock back in New York, and by the mishaps tonight, it had to be passed eight fifteen. He started to wonder what time it was.

Then, he started to wonder what Pepper Potts was going to do to him. After making adjustments to his Iron Man with the help of Bruce Banner, Pepper had entered the lab. Bruce left the lab, knowing Pepper was going to say a few words to Tony. Tony had wished Bruce had stayed, then Tony could get out of the conversation saying they had too much work.
Pepper had asked Tony why money had been taken out, and Tony wasn't going to tell her it was for his suit. Already, Pepper was going on and on saying how much of a child Tony was, and was going to crash the suit before it ever left the tower, losing the money that he took to buy the metals. The fight ended shortly with Tony saying that Pepper would see taking a bit of cash wasn't going to hurt anything.

Tony sighed, "It hurt a lot of things." Tony never talked to himself, but he was waiting to hear Jarvis, or anyone's voice. The Bluetooth ear piece got damaged when Tony fell from the sky. With no phone or anything to contact anyone, he was alone.
Leaning against the old, nailed up doors of the library, Tony saw headlights rolling down the street. He moved swiftly to the other side of the library, and thought of the plan to ask whoever it was for a phone call.
Tony watched as the yellow beetle took an abrupt stop in the middle of the road. The driver's side door opened to a tall blond lady exiting out, and slamming the car door angrily. A boy with brown hair who looked to be ten to Tony exited out on the passenger's side. The lady sighed.

"Look it's been a long night and it's almost..." Emma Swan looked up at the clock. Tony hid in the shadows of a burned out street lamp, hoping she hadn't seen him.
"Eight fifteen?"
"That clock hasn't moved in my whole life." Henry said. "Time's frozen here."
"Excuse me?" Emma asked.
"The Evil Queen did it with her curse, she sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here." Emma looked at him, bewildered, then shook her head.
"Hang on, Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairy tale characters here?" Emma asked.
"Yeah, and now they're trapped." Henry replied, confident.
Tony sighed. Hot lady, crazy kid... Still need that call.
"Frozen in time, stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what your going with?" Emma had her arms crossed over her chest.
"It's true!" Henry exclaimed.
"Then why doesn't everybody just leave?" Emma asked.
"They can't, if they try bad things happen." Henry explained.

Screw it. Tony thought. He walked out from the shadows, pulling on his hood that had been over his head. Tony pulled at the strings a bit to cover his partially bloody and bruised face. Henry saw Tony before Emma. "Excuse me," Tony said. Emma was now looking at Tony as he walked up. "I'm in desperate need of — "
"Henry!" A cheery voice called out. A man with red hair, glasses, a suit, green scarf, umbrella and a Dalmatian on a leash jogged up to the group. "What are you doing — "
"Uh I'm sorry but I was here first." Tony told the man. With a smile, the man chuckled and nodded.
"I'm fine, Archie." Henry told the man, while petting his dog. Emma looked to Tony.
"Yeah hi, um... May I use your phone? I'm kind of lost at the moment." Tony explained.
Emma raised an eyebrow at him. "You're not from here?" Henry now looked at Tony, in which he could barely see his face. Tony shook his head.
"You can use it once I've taken him home." Emma explained, patting Henry's shoulder.

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