Chapter 12- FINAL

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AN:// Yes final chapter. Some things:

1. No I'm not planning on writing a sequel

2. Big thank you to everyone who sent this to their friends. And a big thank you to those friends who read it because someone sent it to you.

3. Thank you for all the positive feedback. ♡

4. Comments and votes are always nice to see. I feel like I interact with you more when you do. But as always, I'll never force you to do something you don't want to.

5. I love you all (: thank you


Kyle and I have been together now for a strong three months. We've had a couple fallouts, but only because I had gotten the flu and he wouldn't get me what I needed. He was always there for cuddles, though, which was sweet until I would sneeze on him accidentally and he'd freak out before going to the bathroom to wash it off and come back to me with some tissues. It was all the small things that he did that kept me guessing. All the dumb, quirky things that only I seemed to notice. Today, though, he was taking me on a date somewhere. He wouldn't tell me where.

"Kyle, literally just tell me. I'm going to find out eventually." I whined, slapping his arm repeatedly.

"No, I want it to be a suprise." He said, laughing and trying to make me stop hitting him.

"Why?" I asked. He shrugged.

"It's more special that way." I rolled my eyes and looked forward, slightly turning up the car radio to distract myself from being anxious. Why wouldn't he just tell me? Were we going to a crash pit? I wouldn't necessarily mind.

Kyle finally parked the car in a crowded parking lot and turned it off.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Where are we?" I asked. He smirked and motioned for me to get out of the car. We walked closer to the building, and then I knew exactly where we were.

"You took me to a science museum." I pointed out, unimpressed.

"Yes. So you can see everything is made up of something else. Like every object has its own family tree. You think it's all fake, and I won't change you, but please try to have fun. There's a lot to do here." He said, grabbing ahold of my hand and squeezing it.

"Kyle, this is a children's museum." I reminded him, finally looking away from the building of lies and at my beautiful boyfriend who I don't remind that I dearly appreciate and love enough. He sighed.

"You sure know how to take the fun out of things." He said, grabbing my other hand as well.

"Yeah, I know. But you love me anyway." I teased. He smiled.

"I sure do." He said, kissing my cheek quickly before leading me back to the car.

"You were wrong back there, you know, about me thinking nothing is real. I know a couple things are." I told him as we got in the car.

"Hmm? And what do you think is real?" He asked, starting the ignition.

"For starters, I know you're really cute." I said, winking. He laughed and shook his head.

"Well, that's incorrect. Maybe you think fake things are real now." He said, pulling out of the parking spot.

"No. I know this is real. Don't you correct me." I accused.

"Okay, what else do you believe?" He asked. I thought about it.

"I know I'm graduating soon, I know Bryan is my step brother, I know I hate Bryan's dad, I know my name is Johnnie, I know your name is Kyle, I know Alex is alive and in rehab because after we stopped her at the bridge she took on a cocaine addiction, and I know that I love you with all my heart. And I want to thank you for showing me that I'm a human who has feelings and values. You're honestly the best thing in my life right now. Please promise you'll never leave me."

"I promise. I love you too."

"Cross your heart? Hope to die?"

"I cross my heart. I hope to die. I will never leave you, Johnnie. Even if you are a little spacious sometimes." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like, you're always somewhere else than where you are. Mind over body. Almost like you're almost never aware of where you are." He explained. I nodded.

"Thank you." I said after a moment of silence.

"For what?" He asked, stopping at a red light. I looked at him directly, turning my whole body towards him.

"Saving me." I said, before practically throwing myself on him. The people behind us can wait or go around us. Right now, as I'm kissing my absolutely  perfect boyfriend, I feel like there's nothing around us. I told him to pull into the nearest parking lot, so he did. And we stayed there with each other, doing things that passionate lovers should do. Because nothing else matters right now, besides him and my feelings towards him. He woke me up, made me realize there was no one else better. And I loved every second of it. Because in that moment, everything was real. The car we were in was real. His beanie now on the car floor was real. The people who would regretfully look into our car were real. And for once in my life, with all of these things and feelings happening, I didn't deny it. Everything was perfect now, and there's no other life I'd rather live, then in the moment, never looking back, not looking ahead. Hold onto every moment like it's your last, and you'll wake up every day better. You'll be better. I promise.

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