Chapter 6

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"Is anyone absent today that should be sitting next to you?" My geometry teacher Mr. Hagen asked. I looked next to me at the empty seat. It's empty not because the person was absent, it was because no one ever sat by me. Shannon raised her hand and announced Alex was missing. I looked down at my feet and sighed, covering my face with my hair so no one saw the look of pure resentment I had for myself for not doing anything about it. Mr. Hagen nodded and typed something on his computer. I looked around at all the students in class with me. They all had no idea. Alysha bit the end of her pen, the shy redhead that no one really talked to tapped her foot impatiently waiting for class to be over, Jeydon was probably sleeping with how his hair covers his face and how he's slouching in his chair. None of them had any idea what happened. Not like I did. I pulled out my phone and sent Alex a quick text.

"R u ok?" It said. Good enough. I didn't expect her to reply any time soon so I put my phone back in my jacket pocket. Then the door opened, and revealed a really confused and embarrassed Kyle.

"Is this history with Mr. Sweeto?" He asked, kind of out of breath. I smiled at him and shook my head when he saw me and smiled back.

"No, sir. That would be the next room over. May I ask your name?" Mr. Hagen asked.

"Your worst nightmare." Kyle said, then dramatically exited the room, making the class laugh. I just rolled my eyes. Is it possible to have a "worst" nightmare? If you have a dream, which is literally a figment of your imagination, and it scars you enough to where you can even label it as a nightmare, don't they all have their negative effects on our minds? Besides, nothing we dream about can possibly be worse than the nightmare we suffer through daily when we're awake.

"Mr. Guilbert, how about you?" I heard my teacher ask.

"47." I said, giving my sarcastic as always answer. My teachers should know by now I don't ever pay attention.

"Wrong, as per usual. Pay attention." He said. I sighed and stared at the clock, counting down the minutes until homeroom, one ticking second at a time.

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