Chapter 2

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Kyle talked to me the next day in homeroom. It was a bit intimidating for me, since no one ever made an effort to talk to me before him.

"So from what I've picked up from talking to you; your name is Johnnie, you hate everything, and you like to play tricks on peoples minds." He said, laughing. I shrugged.

"Well, yes, my name is Johnnie, but I don't hate everything, I just strongly believe that everything is a lie." I told him simply. He smiled.

"Why do you think nothing is real?" He asked, amused.

"Why do you think everything is real?" I countered.

"Touché, my friend." He said. I nodded and opened my journal to write todays poem.

"Hello there little wallflower
How do I even begin to say?
You stick out like a sore thumb
But that's okay 'cause
That's the reason I found you today."

"What are you writing? I saw you writing yesterday too. Are you writing stories? I'm sure you write great stories. Can I read one?" Kyle asked, looking over the desk. I quickly shut it annd glared at him.

"No I'm not writing stories. And no you can't read what I write." I said, a bit harshly actually. He threw his hands up in his defence.

"Shit dude sorry." He said, running his fingers through his hair to tuck his bangs under his beanie. I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and I slowly stood up from my seat and gathered my things.


I got home and walked through the doors to be met by my mother and step-father. My mom smiled at me when she looked up from her phone.

"Hey welcome home." She greeted. I nodded and said hello, then went upstairs to my room, avoiding all interaction with my step-dad. He hated me, and it was mutual, but we hid it from my mom so we didn't hurt her. I fell on my bed and looked at my phone. I had 5 texts from an unknown number.


"Its Kyle"

"I saw you wrote poems"

"I gave it a try..I hope you like it."

"I want people to know
Things about me
Not just assume,
But wake up and see
That I'm not someone
Who wants peace
But someone who wants
Acceptance at least.
People shouldn't care
About sexualities
All that matters
Is their personalities.
From this day on
I think we could see
That even though I'm gay,
I'm no different from he or she."

I read over that poem multiple times before I believed it. Did he just come out to me? I quickly typed a response.

"Okay 1. How did you get my number? 2. You didn't have to write me a poem but it was great. And 3. You're gay?" I typed. I read it over and send it, nervously waiting for a reply. It came almost instantly.

"Well to answer your questions. 1. I saw it on the inside cover of your journal 2. Thank you and 3. Well... Kind of." It said. Kind of? I've never found anyone who was that open with something like that. And he just met me, too.

"Can you write me a poem?" He asked. I thought about it, then typed out

"One of these days
Just one of these days.
I'll be gone
And it won't matter
Because really
I never even existed.
This world
This beautiful world
Is all a hallucination
And we're all high off
The adrenneline of
Knowing or thinking we know
What's real and what's fake.
One of these days.
Just one of these days." I sent.

He took a little longer than before to answer but he replied with"Well that was some heavy shit, dude. Nice." And I laughed. I genuinely smiled and laughed. He's not giving up on me. He's one in a million, and he's fighting to be my friend.

For once, someone actually likes me for me, including my odd beliefs.

Little Wallflower (Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now