Temporary Fix

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Let me be your good night

Lately everything's been just depressing and sad and I feel like everything is falling apart. I had been here over what felt like a year. I guess, I felt like I wasn't living. I was just merely existing.

The house has stayed the same. I would go in between my grandparents house and Luke's house every so often. I felt un needed.

I sat there on the couch, watching people sweatily grind on one and other, and shout the lyrics of a new Kanye song. With a drink in my hand, untouched. I wanted to drink until I could no longer feel. Then I saw him with her, she was the blonde. The one that reeked of trouble and too much contour. She was the girl from the party a year ago. I forget names but never faces

Swiftly I marched across the crowds of people bumping and grinding and what not.

"Hey you," I said attaching myself to his side. The air went awkward.

"Oh hey Indian!" He smiled genuinely looking down at me pulling my close.

"Lukie!" She said playfully, baby talk. I vomited, coughing down a laugh. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend now!"

I took my cue to strike, "Yes! Yes I am Luke's girlfriend ." I emphasized on the word girlfriend.

"Yeah Sam! This is Indie!" He smiled proudly looking down upon me, I beamed. "Indie this is Sam!" He motioned towards her.

Her face turned bright red, as if she had been defeated, "I'm glad to see you moved on from our dating days!" She forced a smile and responded bouncing back quickly.

I took my cup of whiskey and took a gulp, it burned like hell. But I was going to either fight this bitch, or I was going to be the bigger person. Right now, the bigger person wasn't feeling kind.

"Well I should get going!" She pulled Luke in for a kiss on the cheek, "It was nice meeting you Indigo!" She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"It's Indie, but nice meeting you, dumb bitch." I said genuinely smiling. It didn't phase her, she just walked away after that.

I smiled looking up at Luke, he frowned. He was angry, obviously angry. His eyes got dark when he was angry, and it frightened me terribly.

"Gotta go!" I quipped running through the. Crowds of people, as I reached our room I shut the door, and hid.

"Indie!" He shouted, "That wasn't very nice!" He entered the room, slamming the door behind him.

"She called me Indigo?" I defended myself. Obviously shocked he was taking her side, "You're taking some girl you fucked a year ago's side over mine like she meant something Luke!"

He paused, "No I'm not!"

"Luke, girls don't come back to see their former lovers in hopes of hoping they're well and better off and in a stable relationship," I quipped, "They come back to leech off of feelings they try to dig up and ruin whatever the guy has going!" I felt tears welling up and spilling down my face. I felt betrayed and angry.

He slumped down on the bed.

"You can say I'm being a stupid jealous girl, all you want. But I'll be damned if someone takes you away from me." I sobbed. I felt like I was losing my ever loving mind.

And like that everything unraveled, about to say something else, he quickly charged towards me. Embracing me holding me tighter than he has ever had.

"Not even God himself could take me away from you," he whispered in my ear. Kissing the side of my head and the my forehead.

Shivers ran down my spine at the touch of his lips, the feel of his cold metal lip ring. I smiled as he kissed his way towards my lips. Our lips together moved as if they were arguing about who wanted the other more. He trailed his lips down my neck, lightly throwing me onto the bed. Leaving marks on my collarbones here and there. Lightly stripping me out of my t-shirt and jean shorts I laid there moon shining down on him. His physical features defined. I wanted him.

The best part for me was knowing, he wanted me too.

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