How Did We End Up Here?

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It's 2 a.m Saturday. We all sat there, Luke, in his well-tailored suit looking distressed. Michael in his underwear sleeping. Calum looking like a wreck, as for Ashton, well he's currently in the next room, being questioned.

"I hate you" I whispered to Luke, pulling my knees to my chest. "You left, and now we're risking going to jail, because of you, and him," I emphasized on him, shooting a glare over towards the man in the cell next to us. Messy curly hair, emerald eyes, could cause Niagara Falls in any girls pants with a wink.

"I have a name you know, love" he stated formally. "Luke tell her its not our fault."

Luke turned to me over dramatic like, he did that when he was being funny, "It's not our fault babe."

I scoffed making it known my mind had been made up.

Calum looked up from putting his face in his hands, "HOW DID WE END UP HERE! I'm a good kid for the love of God!"

And this kids is how we got there.

Waking up, that Friday he was there. I should feel happy, and in love, and everything else. I can't summon the feelings I need, I feel defeated and used. I wanted to rip him a new one and crudely sew it back on.

I couldn't, I couldn't find the feelings I needed to feel, I just was so drained.

"Goodmorning princess" he yawned, pulling me towards him, kissing my forehead. I rolled my eyes, rolling the hell away from him, "Princess, come here, I'm sorry" he mumbled.

He sat up, and sighed, "Look there was buisness that had to be taken care of-"

"Your dick doesn't count," I said loudly.

From the hallway, you could hear "SHOTS FIRED". Getting up angrily, Luke slammed the door, "No, listen," he sighed heavily, running his fingers through his messy hair, "Look, I had to go back home, because my father and mother may have been murdered, and the fact that my company is in danger is a stressful factor. I had to bring Harry back with me, total different ordeal-"

"You couldn't contact me? For two weeks? Why?" I interrupted rather bitchy.

"Because Princess, they think they may have tapped my phone, and if I put you in harm's way, I couldn't deal with my self." He sighed, putting his finger under my chin lifting it to his lips, I wanted to pull away, fighting him, I couldn't I missed the lips I craved every night he was away.

Pulling away, "Wait, your mom and father were murdered! Are you okay? Like do you need anything? Sex? a drink?" I inquired worriedly.

Laughing, "It's absolutely okay I'm mentally pulling it together with a band-aid, and a string. But honestly, I'll take you up on that sex later." He pulled me in closely making me moan, his tongue invading my mouth, I was gone, holy shit how much have I missed his lips. "I missed you," he whispered in my ear.

3 p.m.

Later that afternoon Michael announced that an "SVU" had been sitting three houses down from ours all afternoon.

"Michael, its SUV," Ashton corrected him running up the steps to get his binoculars, they all followed after him.

"Then whats an SVU?"

"A Law and Order series" I added following behind them, eager to see what was happening. But I was stopped.

"No you stay here," Luke said cautiously, resting his hands on my shoulders, "Indian, if this is what I think it is, we will need to leave as soon as we can, I know you think I've been a major asshole, and I'm sorry I left you with no contact, no explanation until now. I know you're infuriated, and every other emotion, but please God know that I will make it up to you...." trailing off kissing me on the forehead. 

"I love you, princess," he whispered into my ear. 

I blushed, holy shit I sat back on the couch, "I love you too....daddy" I winked. 

He grinned, the cutest little grin, as he ran off to join the others. I laid there, in some sort of warmth, this feeling I suppose, was love. In this, I drifted off. 

10 p.m. 

"Where the fuck am I?" I moaned waking up, we were in the Audi, Luke was driving fast, a slight sweat on his brow, still in his well-tailored suit. Swerving in and out of traffic heading towards the ferry dock for cars.

Michael looked at me, and then to Calum, giving him this look of hoping he would speak first. 

"Well, you see Indian, we're currently being followed, or were, we lost them an hour or so ago. We think it's who's been causing me all of this trouble. We're now going to collect Harry, and if he's dead, we're fucked." Luke said casually. 

"What he said," Calum said in affirmation. 

"Yes, we will feed you shortly," Michael said calmly, "I'm rather starved myself." 


With that, Ashton turned around, handing him what appeared to be a Xanax. 

"But really, I smoked a blunt before we left and to be real honest with you, it calmed me the hell down, but I'm starved." Michael continued absent-mindedly. 

"Wait my grandparents!" I shrieked, anxiously. 

"They know, they left while you were asleep, the dogs are with them." Luke said calmly, "We're currently on the boat to the safe house." 

The safehouse was apparently located in the mountains of an island remotely off of the town. My Grandpa used to tell me about it, it was called Walcot Isle. We drove off of the ferry an hour later.

That's when we were stopped by a ranger, and then drug out of the car, and slammed into a holding cage. Along with who I presumed to be Harry.

"Welcome to the cage, I've been here for three days, and Zayn has yet to show, neither has Emma," Harry grumbled irritably. 

"Why are we in here?" Luke asked calmly. 

"Suspicious activity, or in other words, a ferry sank, the day I arrived. They think we're bringing a murder into the island." Harry said dead eyeing all of us. 

To be continued. 


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