But wait there's more

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"Luke this is getting boring...." I faintly heard a deep voice complain. "Her grandma did make me a rather good omlet," I heard another.

Forcing my eyes open, I woke up to Luke, and his friends, sitting in my room. In their pajamas, my eyes widened. "Goodmorning Indian!" they all yelled.

"Goodmorn- wait who are you?"

"Calum" the Asain one said

"Ashton" said another, if it was ever not awkward to call a boy "pretty" I would call Ashton pretty.

"Michael" the green haired boy sitting there eating off of a paper plate, "You're grandmother makes good food did you know that?" He asked me inquisitively.

Laughing I nodded my head, not realising Luke was in bed with me, rather closely. "We decided we were too hungover to get food" he mumbled nuzzling into my side.

"So you guys, came over and asked my Gramma to make you all food?" I said rather rhetorically.

"Basically you can say that, she also said that her and your grandfather are going out with friends tonight, and that you need out of the house." Calum said messing with his phone. I turned the TV and figured "why not make themselves at home and watch netfix with me". I felt a jab in my side, Luke looked up at me and said "Princess would you be ever so kind and hand me my toast and waterbottle?" Sighing, I rolled over to my bed side table and handed him his toast and water. "If you get crumbs in my bed, I will kill you in your sleep" I threatend kiddingly, I was kinda playing around. Note kinda.

"So you're going to come to Luke's tonight right?" Ashton asked me as he came out of the bathroom.

"Whats at Lukes?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"An intimate gathering" Michael responded

"Just a few hundred people" Calum added, "It's really just a small gathering, of people"

I looked down at Luke running my fingers through his hair, he was rather perfect when he was asleep, and ya know, not talking or being an asshole. I got up stretching, figured I ought as well take a shower, tip toeing past the sleeping boys, they fell asleep after the 3rd episode of Greys Anatomy.

Stripping down, I walked into the warmth that was this wonderful shower. It was all fun and games, until Luke was in it with me.

I shrieked

"What the hell Luke!" I screamed covering myself

"Well you left me! And I smell bad so I figured I'd shower with you." he said grabbing the bar of soap out of my hand, "I've already seen you naked, vaguely, I may have been drunk when I saved you, I'm not sure about that yet". Wriggling his eyebrows he looked up and down my body, whistling in some way of satisfaction. Needless to say, he's really hot shirtless, and everything was just ugh. If I had clothes on, they would've came off.

Turning around to lather my hair, I felt a sharp sting to my ass, jumping I heard Luke's little laugh in satisfaction. "Are you from Tennessee?"

"Don't say it, Don't say it" I said with clinched teeth

"Because you're the only ten I see" he laughed really hard.

I turned around to smack him, he caught my arm mid swing, pulling me close to him. I could feel him harden, and every nerve in me set on fire. He licked his lower lips and pulled me to him kissing me hard. Letting his tongue explore my mouth, I let a small moan out, and he smiled. Pulling away he said "Get ready babe," smacking my ass on the way out of the shower.

I stood there in shock....did that just really fucking happen.

*A/n so yeah I think this is going quite well.

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