How We Ended Up Here

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With a heavy sigh, I finally gave into the two detectives in front of me, they asked me why I how I got here. So I told them.

"My names Ashton Irwin, I'm from Australia, My friend Luke owns the business that I have multiple stocks in, only because they were free, and now I have millions. I'm not killing anyone, nor do I intend to."

They seemed stressed, I don't blame them, I wouldn't be so happy if a murder was potentially running around an island nobody even entered outside of touring months. They sighed, "What's your business with Mr. Styles?"

Running my hands through my hair, I sighed again deeply, "He's a mate of mine, and honestly we're bros, like if I went for the other team, I'd take him to pound town. I was his best friend when he moved down to Australia, we're shareholders in Luke's company, he's the most attractive man alive, other than me." I smirked at the end. They dismissed me, shortly afterwards.

They exchanged me for a half naked Michael, which when did that happen?

When I entered the holding cell, they all looked at me with tired, in Calums' case drugged out of his mind, expressions.

"They don't give you the third degree, don't worry you're good guys." I said trying to calm everyone down.

Michael's POV

"I'm Michael Clifford, and I got really hot and had a panic attack because of claustrophobia, and I stripped." I shrugged scratching my hair.

"State your business and association with Mr. Hemmings, and Mr. Styles."

Wow, straight forward, I thought, man they were bland here.

"Hemmings is my lover, and he's the reason I'm not living with my mom, that guys been with me since high school, we moved here for business expansion, and as for Styles, he's also a lover of mine, I mean who would blame me?" I shrugged, "Anyway, I'm a graphic designerish type of person thingy, I have stock and share, same as Ashton." They sighed and told me I was free to go.

Indie's POV

They did the same song and dance with each one of us. My tolerance for Luke was shot, he was playing this off like an absolute child. My parents and I were not even existent to each other yet here is Luke, with no parents, and no idea of whats happened. I understand everything being too real, but no. You cannot simply play it off.

After signing ourselves out of the jail, we went to the "safe house". The drive there was lengthy for an island that seemed to be the size of a fist.

Getting out of the car, I needed to wander, I couldn't spend a minute more dealing with Luke. Everything was being so suffocating, so I took off wandering along the bayfront shores of the houses' front lawn. I walked along the water for ages, or thats what it felt like.

Coming upon a boat tied to a small dock. "Escape", fitting name for a boat, tempting to just sailaway.

"If I were you I would think about sailing far far away" a rough British accent says.


"Who says I am?" I quipped back just as fast as I thought about the words coming out of my mouth.

"Well I mean, you've had a rough night, I however, traded cigs for a blunt, and if you'd like to talk about your problems. That'd be grand" He said waving the blunt infront of me. I sat next to him as he sparked the end of it. "To make you feel better my dads been gone since he fucked my mom, shes in rehab, and well my sister? I dont know. I've been shot 3 times, and in a gang."

I choked. Well shit.

"Luke's being an ass about this whole thing, like I'd be normal about this, ya know? Scared." I said taking an inhale letting the smoke fill my lungs. "My parents don't really care. I mean they basically traded me for their lives back."

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I tried killing myself like alot, I ran away at 14. My mom hates me, my dad didn't care, and I think after they realised I wasn't happy, which they realised 4 months ago. Took me to my grandparents, and left." slowly my smile faded, "I mean I'm so much better. I've been happy, genuinely" Because I was, Luke had made an impact. It was weird but a good kind of weird.

"You know, I like the fact you're here with me. Ya know on Earth? I'm glad I got to meet you Indie." Harry said ashing the blunt. As we lay there in silence, listening to the waves kissing the dock. I probably fell asleep.

It seemed like I was hibernating, how long I'd slept. I woke up with the arms I knew as my home around me. He looked so much older when he was sleeping. I fell in love. Softly he snored making me smile, I kissed his shoulder, muttering "I love you....daddy." He smiled, kissed my forehead, and then grabbed my ass. Ah, how things stay the same.

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