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"Uhuh honey"

I woke up six in the morning after living an episode of "Orange is the New Black", to a breakfast sat out for me, and a dark Luke. When I say "dark" I mean, he had a look of lust, a look that could only make a girl feel like she was about to be devoured. He looked at me, took a sip of his coffee, his eyes were glazed. For one of two reasons, he was really high, or still little tipsy. Cautiously I ate my bowl of fruit loops, drinking the milk out of the bottom. I nibbled at the Texas toast, and finally drank my smart water, yes I know it doesn't nor will make me smarter it's just smoother.

Setting the tray down onto the floor, I walked over to him, he's hair in a mess, his sweats sagging below his hips, and to make the whole look even hotter, he wore his reading glasses, which is my weakness (a/n seriously ladies (or men), it's really really hot to look at an attractive guy in glasses and sweats, shirtless. I mean damn).

Taking my place on his lap, I straddled his waist, kissing his forehead, his breathing stopped. His eyes shot up at me, he placed his hand on the back of my neck anchoring me down towards his lips. Inches away, he leaned forward placing his lips on mine, holding it for a moment he opened his mouth deepening the kiss, his tongue invading my mouth. I couldn't help but let out a deep moan into his mouth. With that he stopped, he picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Hovering above me he kissed every inch of my jaw line, making his way to my collarbones, sucking rather fiercely on one spot and then moving towards my chest. Raising my arms he took off my sports bra and big shirt in one swift movement; not even bothering to look where he threw them. He kissed his way down my stomach, and then getting to the hem of my panties.

He stopped. I moaned in frustration, and begged something that sounded like "please", he cocked his eyebrows, getting up he found his suit that he had worn the night before, taking the tie from the bin. He jerked my wrists together holding them has he tied me to the headboard of the bed. I felt the frustration building inbetween my legs. Licking a strip of my body from my navel to the hem of my underwear, he sprinkled sugar on the wet place, and then licked slowly every inch of the skin covered. I let out a whimper and a moan. He smirked, slipping my underwear off of my waist.

Looking at me he moved his body over me, "Do you want me to play with you princess?" he whispered in my ear, his voice raspy, I nodded with a small moan, he chuckled. Placing his hand over my sex, he slid two fingers in me, making me quiver with intense pleaser, holy shit. Raising my hips to meet him everytime he thrust his fingers into me.

"You're so wet princess, I wonder how that happened." he whispered teasingly into my ear.

"You did it Daddy," I mewled gasping for air, I was so close to hitting my high and everything was dizzy and I was sweating and it was unholy how amazing this man made me feel.

He smiled, "I'm in control, always." with that being said he took his fingers out, bringing them to my lips, it was this unspoken rule that I had to lick off his fingers. I sucked his fingers in compliance. Tasting the bitter salty-sweetness that was my self. I closed my eyes, hearing the rip of a foil packet, and the soft drop of clothing.

He positioned himself onto of me, I lifted my hips to meet him. Thrusting his way into me hard, I gasped with pleasure, "Fuck", I moaned. He took himself out and then abruptly back in, find a rhythm. I moaned as he rocked his body into mine. "Who owns you?" he roughly asked me in between thrusts.

"You do." I moaned back feeling every inch of him.

Hitting my climax, and he hit his, I came violently.Moaning and swearing, saying things that I'd never repeat to any one ever again in my life. He collapsed sweaty, on top of my chest. "Thank you Daddy." I moaned into the crook of his neck.

"Goodmorning princess, I hope you know that you're only mine."

I did, that was the thing. I thought this whole submissive/ fifty shades shit was different. But I suppose everyone had their own style. Sitting up, looking over at me he smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I think you should shower, and brush your teeth." he laughed. Getting out of bed, I saw his ass, his beautifully sculpted ass.

That's how I like my mornings to start.

(A/N I went to my senior prom, sadly they didn't play 5SOS, but fallout boy played multiple times and it was old fall out boy too! So I was happy. But next chapter Emma, and Zayne, and the rest of this weird group of individuals will come together. As for the plot that Luke's being hunted down, yes it's still going. Other than that THANK YOU FOR 6K READS IM SHRIEKING OMG. I LOVE ALL OF YOU)

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