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Scourge was getting tired of trying to teach Sonic how to walk, he tried once more. He picked up Sonic and set him down on his feet, he let go and slowly Sonic took one step forward.

"Come on Sonic" Shadow said who was standing a few feet away holding out his arms for Sonic to walk into. Sonic took his tongue out, as to not mess up he took one step then the other, but his legs got soft like jello and he fell back. Tears appeared in his eyes and he pouted looking at everyone.

Shadow smiled and picked him up "don't cry blue, maybe you will get it tomorrow" he said throwing him in the air and catching him, making him giggle a little. He smiled himself hearing his giggles and then headed up stairs to his bed. Sonic had his head on Shadow's shoulder and was trying with all his might to keep them open but it was hard.

They got to the room and the dark one set him down, then covered him with a blanket "night blue" Scourge said walking into the room and looking at the blur blur. With his eyes half open he yawned and smiled "nite, nite"he was out like a light.

Shadow and Scourge went back down were Silver was and sat down on the couch "today was tiring" Shadow growled closing his eyes. Silver smirked at the two "he is a hand full" he chuckled, the other two nodded in agreement. They ended up sleeping on the couch.

A dark figure sneaked into the room were the little one rested, he narrowed his eyes and walked to the bed , his shadow looping over the sleeping child. He chuckled and his eyes lit up as he reached down and lifted up him up. Wrong choice, Sonic awoke and scream. The masked person quickly made a run for the window, hurting the little on tight in his hands, hurting him.

Crimson eyes flashed open and quickly glanced at the others before running for the room. The oldest teleported in front of the unwanted person, pushing him in the face, causing him to fly back and let go of Sonic, causing the little one to go flying.

Like slow motion Scourge jumped up, catching him before gravity caused him to plummet back to earth. He stood up and hugged the crying one in his arms "shh shh it's ok blue" he said rocking him ,as Sonic kept letting the tears come, shivering.

Silver's range bursted and he lifted the person, slamming him into the wall multiple times, making him drop a bag he held in his hand as Shadow threw chaos spears. Soon the stranger gave up and disappeared, leaving everything behind. The two relaxed and looked at Sonic, who was in Scourge's arms, looking down at the bag the person dropped.

They all glanced down, it moved. Slowly Silver bent down, he reached in and pull out a small sleeping child, he looked as young as Sonic, he was green and his quills were a mess.

Sonic gasped "Manic?"

I just want to say thank you for all yalls amazing comments and I love y'all!! Hope y'all like this chapter

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now