11 | Volterra Castle

Start from the beginning

Jane was short just like her twin brother, Alec, and she had light blonde hair that was pulled back into a right bun. She must've been around fifteen when she was turned. Jane turned to Bella with the ghost of a smile but Edward sprung out in front of her. A confused and scared Bella watched as Jane focused her hardened gaze on Edward and he collapsed on the floor, writhing in agony. A small smile graced her youthful face as she relished in his pain.

"STOP!" Bella yelled desperately, kneeling beside him. Jane kept the pain coming. "STOP IT! STOP!" and much to their surprise, Jane stopped – involuntarily. She stood rigidly in her place, clutching her throats as if to pry off invisible hands from choking her.

Adele Cullen stormed into the room with a single hand outstretched, clutching the air as if she was choking someone – she was doing that to Jane. If Jane wanted to inflict pain, then so would she. Every single person in the room was appalled by her presence. How could she come back and face everything she had ever suffered just to save them? Alice and Edward knew especially how hard this was for her even if she didn't show it – especially when Aro looked delighted to see her.

Adele towered over her, "How does it feel to be my bitch, now?" Once Edward recovered and stood again, she released Jane from her manipulation and the girl collapsed on the floor, rubbing her throat. Adele walked to the center of the room, the heels of her boots clicking against the marble tile was the only thing to break the silence. She pushed back the terrible memories that tried to creep up on her – she was standing very close to where Caius beheaded Jace. "Now, we can settle this in the simple way or the hard way." she spoke calmly, emotionlessly,"Choose wisely – you all know I'd just love to slaughter you."

Caius snarled at her – how dare she strut in here like she owns the place? – and a humorless laugh escaped her lips at the sight of his frustration. She only hoped he'd make a wrong move so she could slaughter him just like he did Jace. Aro, however, was intrigued by her show and gestured for her to continue. She glared murderously at him in return and turned to Bella. "Isabella, let them to use their powers on you. None of them will have any affect on you." And then, she thought to her, You have a mental shield.

Edward glared at Adele, NO! You have no r–

Adele beckoned Bella forward and sneered at Edward, I have every right you idiot. I was there for her when you were not. Here I stand in the last place I want to be, facing my fears so I can save your asses yet again. Shut up and stay back.

"Jane, dear." said Aro, "The girl?" Jane looked bewilderedly at her master and that same old hatred for Adele etched upon her face – he always adored her more. She fixed her intimidating stare on Bella who cringed, awaiting the pain she thought was inevitable, but nothing happened. Jane's grin quickly turned into a scowl and Aro laughed like a child with a new toy. Jane, infuriated, moved maliciously toward Bella but Adele snarled at her and Aro quickly stopped her with a tiny gesture. "Remarkable! She confounds us all." he thought aloud. "So what do we do with you now?"

For the first time since they'd arrivals, Marcus removed his gaze from the window and sighed uninterestedly, "You already know what you'll do, Aro."

Caius glowered at all of them, "She knows too much; she's a liability."

"That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her immortality..." his gaze flickered over to Edward whose expression hardened. Bella gaped at him – even in the face of her death at the hands of the Volturi, he refused to turn her? "But that's not your intention, is it? Shame." He nodded to Felix and the towering vampire moved towards Bella but he only took a single step when Edward tackled him.

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