"Hey, Chopper. Take a look at Nami for me. She's not feeling well.


"Nami, Chopper's the best doctor I know and he'll make you all better in a jiffy." he assured her with a smile.  Nami turned to Chopper. He was a cute, young teen of only 16 years with short brown hair.

"You bastard! That doesn't make me happy at all!" Chopper all but shouted with an evident grin on his face. He was shy but was never good when receiving compliments even though he loved them.

Nami didn't really get around to introducing herself to Luffy's friends as yet since she was late and couldn't dare to prolong the engagement party.

"Nami, these are two of my best buds, Chopper and U-"

"Usopp the Great! Nice to finally meet you," Usopp interrupted. He held out his hand and she shook it.

Chopper hesitantly walked up to her, "Tell me what's wrong. I have some herbs on me that can help with almost anything."

After finding out that it was just a slight fever, Chopper advised Nami to sit in one of the chairs as he checked her temperature with a thermometer he also had on hand. He observed that it was only a bit higher than normal and went over to the kitchen to mix a few herbs into a medicine. He returned shortly after with a steaming mug and handed it over to her.

"Thanks, Doctor Chopper," she said giving him an appreciative look and even ruffled his hair causing the young doctor to feel extremely embarrassed.

"It's a herbal tea that will help tame your fever. It'll make you sleepy afterwards so make sure that you get an adequate amount of rest." Soon he and Usopp wandered off somewhere to probably cause some kind of mischief.

Nami sipped on the tea while she sat comfortably in her chair. As the music played, a few pairs were dancing around the large ballroom. The majority of the persons present that evening were only mostly friends of her parents and the Monkey D. Family.

The atmosphere was joyous and she found herself swaying to the melodious beat with her eyes closed and a peaceful expression on her face.


She opened her eyes and was flustered to see Luffy sitting opposite her with his chin in his palm looking at her with hooded eyes and a small upturn of his lips.

"You must really like this music, Nami," he stood up, walked over and held out a hand towards her.

"Wanna dance?"

Without hesitation, Nami abandoned the empty cup, placed her hand in his and they walked over to spot on the dance floor.  It was getting late and the guests were already taking their leave stopping to say their congrats and best wishes to both families.

Luffy stood in front of Nami and began the awkward charade on where he should put his hands. Nami snorted.

"Do you even know how to dance, Luffy?"

"No, not really.  I took dance classes years ago but I hated them."

She shook her head obviously amused and reached for both of his hands and placed them on her petite waist then she lifted her hands to rest on his shoulders. She didn't fail to notice the hint of red painted on Luffy's cheeks.

"You okay?"

"... Yeah."

The music was a unique combination of the piano and the flute. The symphony of both instruments complimented each other at a leisure pace, calmly setting an optimum atmosphere that can only be described as beautiful.

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