Chapter 11

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*Jess's POV*

The front door slams shut.

"Shit, shit, shit," I say panickedly. "Wha's goin' on?"

"Ma' parents are home." His head shoots in my direction, wide-eyed staring at me.

"Jess, you awake?" My mom calls from the bottom of the stairs.

Daryl looks at me for instruction's. I put my hands in the air, shaking my head, telling him I'm not sure. I quickly wave him down on the other side of my bed when I hear her foot steps traveling up the stairs. I kick all of our clothes under my bed, grabbing a tank top in the process. My neck shifts in every direction, searching for a pair of shorts.

I swing my door open, my mom just about to do the same. "I thought ya guys weren't comin' home till later tonight," I try catching my breath. "Yes, well yer aunt had plans so we left early this mornin'," she responds suspiciously. I nod, adding a nervous smile. She peaks into my room, eyeing me after finishing.

My dad pops his head around the wall between the kitchen and stair case, "We were thinkin' of goin' out fer breakfast, wanna come?"

"I..uh," I gulp. My mom sticks her head closer to mine, waiting for an excuse not to come. That would only add to her suspicion, so I smile, "Yeah, let me go get dressed."

My dad shrugs, making eye contact with my mom. She seems to let it go, leaving me to change.

I hurry around my bed. "When we leave, grab my set of keys so you can relock the door," I turn away to find an outfit, then quickly pull him into a kiss," Good idea parking in the back." He smirks, throwing his shirt on.

I wave goodbye, opening my door as little as possible and closing it right after. "Who were ya talkin' to?" My dad questions me. "Oh, I uh," I gesture back to my room with my thumb, "I was on the phone with Emily."

I glance back at my door, letting out a breath of relief. I follow my parents out to the truck, getting in the back seat.

Should I go now? -Daryl

Yeah, nows good

Knowing it's over, I loosen up. We stop at the end of my dirt road and my dad begins patting his pockets, "Damn, I forgot my wallet." My heart nearly skips a beat. He checks both ways before doing a u-turn.

My dads coming back

I send the message as soon as possible.
*Daryl's POV*

I shut the front door, then hear my phone go off. I lock it, then check,

My dads coming back -Jess

I fumble with the key, trying to unlock it. I swig the door shut, hearing the rumble of his engine close. I lock it from the inside and look back and forth not knowing where to go. When a truck door is shut, I choose the first room I see.

*Jess's POV*

"Dad, do ya want me ta get it for ya?"

"No, its fine sweet heart."

My heart pounds. If I text him, there is a chance my dad could hear his phone go off. I listen for any commotion but hear or see none. After what seems like hours, my dad exits the house, holding up his wallet with a smile.


Shortly after receiving our food, I excuse myself to use the bathroom. Me and Daryl had been talking about seeing a movie tonight or just going somewhere in general. Typically, I don't bring him to my place because my dad hates him and he doesn't want me at his place because of his dad. I leave my phone on the table, while going to the bathroom.

Scars Are Forever {On Hold}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن