Chapter 8

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I'm so so so so SO sorry for not posting in like 5 months. When summer came I had no motivation to write and then school started back up. When I did start writing again, I started a new storty (I haven't published it yet) and I lost interest in this one. So I'm not sure how often I'll update..but here you go, hope you like the chapter!

*Jess's POV*

Drawing circles in Daryl's chest is oddly calming. I can feel him looking down at me, "Wanna watch TV?" I shake my head against his shoulder. I prefer the silence, it helps me think. Then the silence breaks when someone burst through the doors. Both me and Daryl shooting up making sure it wasn't his dad, but its Merle. Just the look of his eyes I could already see he was high, drunk, and probably more. I lay back down against the back of the couch waiting for him to do the same. Slowly, he returns to my side where I put my head back on his shoulder. Hoping Merle will just leave us alone, I close my eyes and continue with my shapes.

"Aye little bro, why don't ya get off yer ass an' get me a beer."

Oh how he pisses me off. He shouldn't treat his brother like this, especially because of how their father treats him. He shifts from beside me, I grab his arm to stop him, "Ya don't have to.." I whisper. Even though I can see he doesn't want to, he gets up for a beer to give to his brother.

Finally he slides back onto the couch with me, I sigh into his touch. The sound of Merle popping open is beer can is almost hovering over us. "Get th' hell off the couch. I actually wanna watch TV and not lay with my 'girlfriend'," He complains. I glare up at him. Expecting Daryl to stay there I get comfortable again. But before I get to, he picks me up off the couch. Merle let's a cocky smirk slide across his lips as I glare at him. Daryl grabs my hand, pulling me with him to his room.

"Why are ya such a suck up to him?" He stays quiet, but I'm sure he roles his eyes at me. "Ya don't always have to listen to him. He acts like he owns you, but he doesn't. Ya can do what you want and not what he wants."

"Ya wouldn't understand.."

"No Daryl, I don't understand so explain. Make me understand!" In anger, he slams his hands down on the table. "Merles the only thing I got, the only one who cares about me and the only one who ever will care about me!" He snaps. "That's where your wrong," I say shaking my head. "People care and when they get to close you push them away. You don't want them to care."

Daryl gets up from his chair, his eyes a darker shade of blue. "And for the record.. Merle doesn't care about you he's just a dick."

"Ya don't know nothin' 'bout ma' family," he growls. "I'm not gonna argue with you Daryl," I grab my stuff off his bed. "Where the fuck you goin'?" He yells as I walk out of his bedroom and down the stairs. "Home," I shout back. "Yeah? And how ya gonna do that."

"I'll walk."

"You do that," he grumbles from the stairs. "Dick," I mumble under my breath.

I would call one of my friends, tell them to come get me..but I forgot to charge my phone. It doesn't really help that they live down a dirt road that seems to never end.

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