Chapter 7

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After having an very uncomfortable conversation with my dad and Daryl, my dad finally lets him leave. Me on the other hand, he wouldn't let me go anywhere. I was grounded. And after being locked in the house all day I decide to go talk to my parents again.

I lean over the stairs."Mom its not fair, he can't keep me locked in the house." She flips through TV channels, "Honey that's between you and yer father."

"So yer not even gonna say what ya think of Daryl. Yer just gonna let dad do all the decidin?" I complain. My dad just glances up from the news paper. My mom finds a show she likes and ignores me. I let out a frustrated sigh, stomping up to my room; slamming my door behind me.

I'm almost 18, they can't tell me what to do anymore. My dad thinks I'm so obedient, well..he's wrong. I can make my own choices and he can't keep me locked down. I tare apart my room until I find my phone on the floor by my bed.

Hey. Can you come get me?

Right after I send the message to Daryl, my phone rings. "Hello?"

"Hey. You want me to come hang out, since your on lockdown?" Emily asks through the phone. "No, I'm goin out."
"Your parents ungrounded you?"

"Are ya kiddin? Ma' dad wants to kill me."

"So your sneaking out. What are you thinking?!" Before I respond to Em, Daryl responds.

I thought you were grounded. -Daryl

I bite my lip.

I am.

"Em, I'm not my dads little girl anymore. I'm tired of him telling me who I can and can't date and telling me what to do." It feels good to get all of it off my chest. "Some ones feisty." Emily chuckles.

Okay. Be there in 15. -Daryl

"I'm just so sick of him. And if I'm gonna show him he can't tell me what to do, I have to do something he doesn't want me with Daryl."

"Your crazy, I like it," Emily chuckles again. "Just keep me updated, okay?"

"Okay," I say before hanging up my phone. I throw it on my bed, I slip on a pair of skinny jeans and a light sweater to prepare myself for the slightly chilly night. I climb out my window onto my roof. I silently walk to the lower part of my roof so I can get off.

I make my way down the driveway but off to the side a little so my parents can't see me. I walk down my street and wait at the end for Daryl. I sit on the ground because I grow tired of standing.

I sit on the ground flipping my phone in my hands, until finally I hear the roar of an engine approaching. I stand up as Daryl pulls the truck over. "We goin back ta ma' place?"

"I was kinda hopin we could go for a drive..?" I ask more than state. "Where to?" He puts the truck in drive. "Know where specific, just away from town and the houses."

He gets this look like he's knows exactly where to go, but at this point I didn't wanna ask I just want to get away. I rest my feet on the dash feeling relieved. After getting to the country, know houses for miles, I sit up. "Can I drive?" He seems hesitant at first, but he slowly pulls over. Getting out and letting me in the drivers side.

I turn on the radio, roll down all the windows, and blast the music. Going 80 down some road, I feel alive, free. The wind blowing through my hair, music filling my ears, Daryl's hand on my leg, It can't get much better.

He gives my direction to turn down some road, we end up stopping in a large field. I pull up to the only tree in the field, put it in park, and give Daryl a confused look.

Its now maybe midnight, Daryl and I were just laying in the bed of his truck, which is probably gonna end up being our bed to night. He had gotten a red and black plaid blanket from the back seat covering us up. It was silent between us, we're just staring at the starts. The perfect night.


My back aching from my choice in sleeping arrangement's and an empty spot beside me causes me to get up. I find Daryl in the corner already awake. His legs are propped up so I find a place in between them, laying on his chest. I shut my eyes listening to the steady beat of his heart, the slight rise and fall of his chest when he breathes.

"Ya wanna go home?" I shake my head 'no' at his question. "Ya know yer dads gonna kill me, right?"

"Probably," I mumble into his chest. "Thanks," he chuckles. I grin into his chest, "I wouldn't let ma' dad do that." He rests his chin on the top of my head, "Mhm.." I smile and kiss his chest.

I don't wanna go home, being with him feels so right. If I go home my dads just gonna tell me I can't see him again, not that it would stop me. I've never done this with another guy, snuck out, stayed at night with them so soon. Daryls just..different. Its hard to explain, I just don't wanna leave this moment. 

I start falling back asleep on Daryl's chest. "Wake up," he whispers in my ear. He starts moving from beneath me, finally he gets out sitting me up with him. I sit at the end of the tale gate, resting my head on Daryl's shoulder. Over ten minuted of being in that spot, I get a spark of energy. I jump off his tale gate, grabbing Daryl's hand and pulling him with me. I lay down in the grass under the tree, him beside me. Staring into the treetop with the sun seeping through the leaves, I let go. Let go of he trouble I was about to get into, let go of the fact I was suppose to text Emily, let go of everything. I tilt my head to look up at Daryl, "What ya thinkin 'bout?"

"For the first time, nothing.." I see a faint smile tug on the ends of his lips. At his house he seems down. Like the memories of his house takes a tole on him, its just nice to see him happy.

So we lay there, under the tree, in the field, snuggled into one another. Taking in the moment.


Pulling into my drive, my dad sits on the porch, gun in hand. As soon as we park, keeping the truck on, my dad starts storming over to the truck. "Dad.." He comes up to the window putting the shotgun to Daryl's head. I start freaking out, is he out of his mind? "Dad what are you doing, get that out of his face!" I scream. Daryl, who doesn't seem fazed at all glances at me. Giving me a 'can I?' look. I nod quickly wanting to get that gun out of his face. Before I had time to think about my decision, he puts the truck in reverse, slamming on the gas. We do a mini doughnut in my drive while trying to get away.

Muffled shouts from my dad can be heard but there faint. Daryl speeds down my dirt road, leaving my dad in the dust.

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