Chapter 8.

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Its been three weeks. Zara ignores me everytime I try to talk to her or approach her. She is not even playing with Hamza anymore. I know that its my fault but what else can I do..?

After somedays she will leave us. And I don't want Hamza to get attached with her. After that day Zeeshan started visiting Zara more often. Zara hasitate whenever Zee is around.

I don't know whats the problem with her. She is all cool around me but when Zee visits her whole demure change.

Why the hell am I thinking about her...???

"Zaraaaa what are you doing to me...!?" I was about to punch the wall but my P.A. walked in. She looked taken aback when she saw what I was about to do.

"What...???" I asked her annoyed.

"Sir, Anne called and told me to inform you that Hamza is not well." I ran out without any second thought and drove towards my house as fast as I can. Hamza is my life I can't live without him. He is the only thing I have.

"Damn this traffic". After like 40 minutes I reached home.

I rang the door bell impatiently. Anne opened the door with worried expression.

"Where is Hamza..?? what happened to him..??" I fired the questions at her.

"He had caught high fever. I had called the doctor he had prescribed some medicines for him." Anne replied ignoring my first question.

I asked her again "Where is he Anne..???" She looked nervous but answered.

"He is...actually he was crying...tha...ts w..hy..." this made me more angry. "Come on Anne I don't have the whole day."

"He is with Zara." I ran upstairs and opened the room door. I sighed in relief when I saw Zara and Hamza sleeping peacefully on bed. Her hand was wrapped around Hamza, they were snuggling together.

I went towards them and kissed Hamza on his forehead. I checked his temperature which was now normal. Alhamdulillah.

I smiled at Zara she had done all this even after what I did with her. She is a girl with golden heart.

I pulled the duvet up on them when something caught my attention. Their was something red on Zara's neck. I pulled her scarf up making sure not to wake her.

I was shocked to see their was 3 hickeys on her neck. Astagfirullah how can she do this. She is still my wife. Anger shot through me as I controlled myself from lashing out on her.

I took Hamza from her grasp which made her jerk up in her bed. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I glared at her and walked out of the room with Hamza in my arm.

I can't believe what I just witnessed. Something in my heart still not believed what my eyes saw.

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