Love you,

I was shaking, why was this here?! Where is Jack?! Why does Ken have this shit?! I growled, he's been keeping things from me! My thoughts were cut off when I heard another weak and painful whimper from downstairs.  Slowly making my way as I looked around, things are flipped and out of place. What has Ken been up to? "Uhm, Ken...?" I asked as I saw an opened door leading to what seems like a basement. 

Jack's P.o.V 

"Uhm, Ken...?" a familiar voice asked, I instantly smiled softly at the voice. It's Mark! Mark's here! I bit my lip as Ken seem to hear the almost whisper of a voice. Growling softly he picked up his bat and hid in the darkest corner. Oh god fuck! Slow footsteps came downstairs, "Ken? Ken? I need to talk to you. Your place is a mess, the door was unlocked and I found Jack's backpack on your living room floor. What's going on?"  Ken cursed to himself softly, I wonder why he didn't just stop Mark from coming down, but that's when I saw it. 

He was covered in me and Aaron's blood and hitting him on the head would be the best way to knock him out. Ken wasn't going to kill him... He can't he loves Mark. He would never kill him. Mark finally reached the last step and his talking instantly went silent. I wanted to scream, to shout at him, to tell him I love him. But I couldn't. My voice was frozen, I couldn't even see him in this position as everything went silent. 

"S-Sean...? Wh-.... Baby?" he asked as he hurried towards me, I finally saw his face. For what seems like years, I seen him again. A weak smile appeared as he hugged me tightly."Wh-What happened to you?! Who did this to you?! Was it Ken? Fu-Fucking hell..." tears appeared in his eyes as he looked around. Quickly pulling me back up as he started to untie the knots that bound me to this chair for so long. 

"Ma-Mark..." I finally choked out, "Shhh, it's okay Clover, I got you." I shook my head, ".... Mark... K-ken... H-he's here...." I warned him as he stopped, I felt his warm hands leave mine as he slowly reached over to a knife on the floor. He used the knife to cut me out of the ropes as he rubbed the marks away. "Shh, where is he?" he asked/whispered into my ear. "Somewhere in the corners... B-be careful... He has a bat..." I warned, he nodded and cautiously looked around. "...Mark?" I asked before he can do anything, he looked back down at me, "He won't severely hurt you, he loves you too much to do so." I said as I slowly used all my strength to stand. Instantly losing my balance as I held onto the chair for support. 

He had a shocked face as he nodded, kissing my cheek as he held the knife closely and looked around for him. Biting my lip I remembered Aaron was still here, I had found a scalpel. Better than nothing. I walked slowly towards his body on the floor. "Aaron..." I mumbled softly, he whimpered softly in acknowledgement. I bent down, quickly cutting through his ropes and ties as I helped him up. "Mark's here... We'll be okay..." he nodded as he clinged onto me. "Se-Sean...." he choked out, I looked over to him. "Ken." he stated as I got hit on the head. I fell and cried in agony as I dropped Aaron, who fell next to me. 

Mark's P.o.V 

I walked carefully around the wide basement, I heard a loud cry of pain as I bolted back to Jack. There he was. Ken held Jack, a scalpel against his neck as.... Aa-Aaron?! Aaron was by his feet, knocked out and bloody. I was terrified, looking up at Ken's bloody figure. "Y-You... You just had to love these two and not me...." he growled out, Jack had tears running down his face. "What's so fucking amazingness do they have that I don't? Is it the accents?! The looks?! Because they're skinny?! Pale?! I can be like that! I can be skinny! I have an accent! I can be amazing! They're foreign! Both of them aren't from here! But I am! I knew you for your whole life! I won't go no where like they did! I'm going to stay here... And they won't be here... So it'll just be me and you... Just like that night..." 

Foreign Touch (Septiplier AU)Where stories live. Discover now