Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Wake Me Up


Jack's P.o.V

My heart stopped as I turned around, my eyes watered as I saw her blue eyes open, her hand out weakly as she tried to find someone to grab on. I quickly left Mark's side as I got next to her, tears falling from my eyes as I held her hand. "Ma! Ma! Stay with me! It's me! Sean!" I cried out, her eyes slowly opening and closing as she tried her best to hold a grip on me. "Se-Sean... I-I'm s-so sorry..." she whispered, tears slowly running down her eyes. I shook my head no as I wiped away her tears, "It-It's not your fault! It isn't! Don't worry Ma, you're safe now! Ju-Just hang on," I turned to Mark, he was astonished, "Mark go get the doctors!" I ordered, he nodded as he left the room, I could hear him shouting and hollering for Dr. Hill.

I heard Ma give a slight chuckle as she ran her other hand over mine, smiling softly up at me. "Where's Sam, Jack? Is... Is she okay?" I nodded, choking back a sob, "She-She's fine Ma, I...I took the best care I could for her... She's alright..." she smiled a sad smile, "Thank... Thank you... You stood so strong... I'm so proud of you..." she said softly. I was then pulled away from her as doctors and nurses filled the room. I wanted to fight back but she gave me a reassuring look, the look she always gave me to tell me everything's gonna be okay.

I was escorted out the room with Mark, I couldn't hold back the wide grin on my face as I hugged Mark. Tears ran down my face as I held onto him, he rubbed my back murmuring sweet nothings as I smiled and kissed him.

"She's.... She's back..." I said softly, he nodded, wiping my tears away as he smirked. Moments later Dr. Hill walked towards us, a smile upon his face. "I don't know how she made it, but she did. She's pulling through, once she's stable you can come back in. Don't tell her something that would... Overwhelm her. Try to not put such stress on her as of right now, alright?" I nodded and Dr. Hill smiled and said his farewell as he left.

"Sam... I have to go get her!" I said suddenly as Mark shook his head, "Relax Clover, stay here, alright? I'll get Sam and bring her here, you stay here until she wakes up, alright?" I nodded, pecking his lips once more. "Thank you so much, Mark. For everything..." he smiled and kissed me again, "Don't mention it, Clover. Stay safe for me, alright?" I nodded as he smiled, leaving the embrace as he walked down the hallway and out the hospital.

I sighed as I took a seat, now the fun part. Waiting.

~Time Skip Brought to You by BoofButt!~

Mark returned with Sam, Tim and his mom, we all sat in silence as Sam looked up at me with a hopeful smile. I.. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen her this... Hopeful. It's an amazing sight, especially for me.

It's been around an hour or so when Dr. Hill finally comes back, he nods at us. "She's stable enough for you to see her. Remember, don't overwhelm her." I nodded and looked at Sam. "It's for the best that we don't mention anything that happened with Dad. Alright?" she nods understandingly as she got up and followed Dr. Hill. We all mimic her actions as we got back to Ma's room. Dr. Hill nodded at us and left, I slowly opened the door and walked in.

There she lies, her eyes opened as she watched the television, resting peacefully. "Ma...? Ma!" Sam said as she ran to her bed, grabbing her attention as a smile grew on her face. "Samantha!" She smiled as she held her. Sam smiled, hugging her tightly. She looked up at me, smiling as she beckoned me to come over. We grouped hugged as she tried her best to wrap her arms around both of us.

"I... I missed you so much, Ma..." I murmured, "I-I don't remember much of what happened..." she started as me and Sam pulled away, "All.... All I remember is a car, crashing towards me. And then I heard your voice, Jack. Then I woke up. Like nothing happened at all... How long was I out for?" I sighed as I looked down, "Around four months..." I mumbled. "Four months? Oh, oh god! I'm so sorry-" "Ma, relax. It's okay. We're okay. The doctor said to not get you overwhelmed, so relax." she took deep breaths as she nodded understandingly.

I smiled softly as I stood up, "I'm jus' so happy that you're awake now... You're gonna be okay..." Ma smiled at me, taking my hand into hers as she rubbed them soothingly. "Thank you Sean, you always remain my strong little boy." She smiled as she spoke, it makes me wonder if I should even mention them sending us to dad. But I can't worry about that now.

~Time Skip: When Ma Is Released~

It's been two weeks since Ma woke up, I couldn't be even more happy. Everything was starting to fall back together. Honestly, it was amazing.

The doctors had to run a few more test before they could be certain that she can leave. Once those test were done she was claimed stable to leave. I was surprised that she could walk, I guess those multiple treatments for her to remember how to use her limbs did pay off in a two weeks time. Which is surprisingly quick.

I was helping her as I became a little too overprotective as Ma would say. But I didn't care, I was overwhelmed to have her back, to know that she survived. Not even that, I didn't know what effect it would have on me and Sam as siblings to go through that. I don't know if I would have been able to take care of her.

The doctors say in a week's time she should be stable enough to do things on her own, but we still need to keep a close eye on her.

I'm just happy that everything is falling back to place... I have an amazing boyfriend, my family back and great friends... Everything seems perfect...

A/N Every good thing comes to an end. ;)

~Leah Out

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