Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: That It Wouldn't Last



Jack's P.o.V

Mark took the day off of school today to be there with me and Sam before we leave, I had already said my goodbyes with the gang on Saturday. A police officer was there escorting us to the plane and making sure we get on. The whole way there was silent, no one said a word. Sam was too caught up in her own thoughts and me and Mark were just side by side, holding hands tightly. What awaits me and Sam in Ireland? Did he change? Or... Or would it be the same? Whatever happens I have to protect Sam.

Only five minutes to go...

Why? I don't want to go, I don't want to leave. Mark held my hand tightly as we heard the announcement that the flight to Ireland was boarding in five minutes. A few tears fell from my eyes as I looked up at him, he smiled sadly at me as he wiped away my fallen tears with his thumb. "Whatever happens, always know, once you come back you'll be treated like the king you are... I'm gonna miss you so much Love, always remember how much I love you... You're amazing Jack, I couldn't ask for somebody better, because besides from you there aren't. Promise me something Jack..." "Yea Mark?" "As soon as you get there, tell me... Whenever you can get in touch with me, always send me a text. And no matter how far away we might be now, nothing would change those months with being with you... Just promise me, you know I'll always be waiting for you... And as soon as you get back... We can do whatever you like..." more tears ran down my eyes as I nodded frantically. "I p-promise Mark... Forever and always?" he nodded, kissing my forehead. "Forever and always Clover... And even after that..."

I pulled Mark down for one last kiss on the lips, it was filled with different emotions. Love, angst, passion and so many other mixed feelings that I wouldn't experience for some time. I savoured this moment and I desperately didn't want this to end. Everything faded away as we kissed, all background noises, everyone around us, even the floor beneath us all seemed to disappear from existence. Like it wasn't even there to begin with...

Silent tears spilled from my eyes as the kiss continued, Mark seemed to notice as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Only making the moment more hard to break away from. What felt like hours were merely minutes as we both pulled away at the alarming sound of the announcement went off. We exchange glances of lost hope, tears falling from both our eyes as our hands stayed intertwined with one another. "I d-don't want to g-go...." I whimpered, "I don't w-want you to l-leave..." he choked out between broken sobs and that's when it hit me the hardest. I buried my head into his chest as I held him tightly, he wrapped his arms around me as we held back broken sobs. "I-I l-love you..." Mark choked out, "I l-love y-you too M-Mark..." I sniffled as I felt myself being pulled away from Mark.

"You have to go, kid." the officer said to me, I didn't want to go! "J-Jack.. You g-gotta go..." I heard Mark say, I looked up at him, his cheeks, nose and eyes were red and puffy. The regret in his voice as he said that made me want to break down even more than I already had. He met my gaze as he gave me a somewhat apologetic smile, "I... I love you so... so much... Remember me while you're gone..." and just like that he pressed a gentle kiss on my nose and then my forehead as he murmured, "I'll never let go... Maybe I can't do it physically but mentally and emotionally... I'll never let you go... Sean..." "Come on McLoughlin, you and your sister has to go." I looked at Mark as he nodded, I bit my lower lip as I slowly nodded. As I stopped resisting the man's grip on me. "I... I love you Mark... Forever and always..." he nodded at me, as the final announcement for my flight went off.

Mark brought my hand up to his lips as he placed a gentle kiss on it, opening it before placing something into my palms. Closing my hand before I can see, "Promise me one more thing, only open your hand once you're on the plane..." I nodded, "Of course M-Mark..." he smiled at me once more before dropping my hand. Staring at him before I turned away and walked off with the officer, holding my clenched fist up to my heart as I kept it in a ball. Not trying to put much thought into the material I felt, knowing it will only draw me back over to him.

I gave the attendant my ticket as me and Sam were let on the plane, we found our seats and placed our belongings on the rack above us. Sitting down next to the window, I buckled up while still keeping my hand close. As I waited for the plane to fly off I stared outside the window, nothing but fields of green.

The flight attendant made the usual rules and announcements through the speakerphone, I grew more and more curious of the item in my palm. Controlling myself as I waited for the plane to take off. Soon, all five wheels left the ground as we ascended upwards. Watching in devastation as my I left the greatest paradise I would ever have...

Taking a deep breath I slowly and shakily opened my hand, revealing a silver piece of a necklace with a Jade gemstone in the upper half as Mark's name was engraved in black on the side. I turned it around and on the back it said 'Forever' I smiled as I felt tears prick my eyes. I slowly put the necklace on as I wiped away my tears.

We'll see each again soon Mark... I promise...

A/N: The picture in the media is their necklace basically, Mark's name is with the Jade gemstone and Sean's name is with the Silver gemstone and on the back it says 'Forever and Always' (once you put them together). But yeah! Another chapter out! And we're nowhere close to the end, I think.


See ya in the next update!

~Leah Out

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