Chapter 12: Tyler

Start from the beginning

I jolt awake in a panic, looking around to figure out where I am. I quickly realize I am back in the guest bedroom of Tyler's house. How did I get here? I look at my alarm clock and see that its already 7:30 in the morning. Did Tyler carry me? I decide to get up because I know I won't be able to fall asleep after that dream, and after freshening up, I go to the kitchen and sit at the island. Ty stands at the fridge grabbing something and walks over to the island where I sit and sets down a cup, pouring me some orange juice. I drank it down in one gulp, not realizing how thirsty I was. 

Someone knocks on the door, loud and aggressive. I freeze out if fear as Tyler starts walking towards it. He opens the door a little bit and I hear some whispering going on between whoever is at the door and Tyler. I can't make out what is being said, but after a little while, I hear my name being called. I get up and walk towards the door.

"It's for you." He says, seeming confused. I furrow my eyebrows, feeling quite confused myself, and walk past Tyler to see who is at the door. It's Joey's dad.

I gasp. "What are you doing here?" I ask in a harsh whisper. He pulls me outside and shuts the door behind me.

He stands with his back to the street, blocking me from view of anyone that could pass by. "I came here to warn you. Liovard is ticked off at you and he's going to your hotel room to kill you. You need to keep yourself safe because he can always find you. Don't leave this house."He says, not questioning the fact that I am at some random person's house, or even mentioning about Joey being dead.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Do you know what happened to Jo?" I ask. His face falls. So I take that as a yes. He opens up his arms for a hug, and you know what? I accept it. Nobody has offered me a hug in a long time and I could use one. It wasn't a long hug or anything, but it was a moment I probably won't ever forget.

Mr. Dilton gives me one last warning to stay safe, before running down the driveway and driving off. I go in the house and lock the door behind me. Tyler sits on the staircase waiting for me to come back inside, and when he sees me, he stands up.

"What was that all about?" He asks. I owe him an explanation. I'm staying at his house, meaning I am putting him in danger. If, at the end when he knows everything, he wants to kick me out then thats fine. I decide to tell him the whole story and he stays silent the entire time. When I finish telling him about what Ive been through these past 9 or so months, he doesn't say anything.

I break the silence. "If you want me to leave, I can. It's a big favour to do for someone you literally just met."

"You've been through a lot, and on top of everything, you're about to have a baby. I can't just throw you out on the street." He says, looking at his hands as he talks.

I sigh in relief, because thinking about everything in the long run, this will probably be the best option for me and my baby. I'm grateful for his kindness.

He speaks up again. "And if you ever need anything from me, just ask."

I nod my head, and then something comes to mind. "Actually, I need to go to the hairdresser."

"Do you really think that's a good idea? For you to be going outside, I mean." He gives me a pointed look. "Joey's dad even just said for you to not go outside." I sigh. He's right.

"It will only take an hour or so." I trail off. 

"I can call the hairdresser I usually go to. We are really good friends so I'm sure she would be okay with us going to see her on such short notice. She works from home and lives just around the corner." He suggests.

I nod my head slowly. "That'll work." 

We head over to her house and a lady with vibrant purple hair, two lip piercings, and five ear piercings greets us. She has on big square glasses and has a sleeve of tattoos covering her left arm.

"So you must be Liza." She says, her voice deeper than I anticipated. "I'm Kenny." 

We shake hands and and she immediately gets to work on my hair. I wanted to get my hair dyed a deeper red than the last time I got it done. I want to look more like a red head rather than a beach-y, strawberry blonde. I do still want to keep some of my blonde in there, but I want something different. I also got her to cut it shorter and add layers to it. Instead of my hair reaching down to the small of my back, it now barely touches where my bra wraps around my chest. She blow dries my hair, curls it and brushes off the loose hairs from my shoulders.

"Voila." She says and hands me a mirror. I barely recognize myself when I see my reflection. It looks awesome, but so different. The two of us walk over to the waiting room to find Tyler to show him the final product, and when he sees me, his eyes widen and smiles.

"Wow." He exclaims, making me blush a little bit. We got back into the car and start driving again and Tyler decides to get us some fast food and take us to a mountain side to eat at a sight seeing spot. We get out and sit on one of the benches. I place my phone on my lap and Tyler sits next to me. Apparently he didn't take the keys out of the car and lock it because we hear the engine start and turn around to find his car being driven away. He chases after it, screaming, then stops because there's no point.

Suddenly, I feel a weird pain in my stomach and then pee my pants. Hold on a minute... thats not pee. My water just broke.

"Ty." I call out. He was down the street walking back towards me now, muttering and swearing. He clearly doesn't hear me.

"Ty!" I shout, this time catching his attention. 

He runs over to me, noticing the panic in my voice. "What's wrong?" He pauses and looks at the ground below me. "Did you just pee your pants?" His face scrunches up

"No, dummy! My water just broke!"

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