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So Manik knowing where he was going to be for the night asked Cabir to cover up for him in front of the others in Fab 5 and then left for his home. As soon as he reached home he called up his parents and informed them that he would be busy woth Cabir that night and so they shouldn't be expecting any video chat that night.
Next he quickly changed into his black track pants and white t-shirt with blue horizontal stripes. He then told the servant to serve him dinner in his room.
After finishing his dinner, Manik drove his black car into Nandu's parking. He parked his car right next to Nandu's black Audi and went to the door and rang the doorbell twice.
Our Nandini exactly knew it was because she knew who will come after the announcement and why he would. She was ready with her answers and attitude of not turning weak and breaking down!

She opened the door with wide smile and was not surprised to see Manik standing there. The moment she saw manik she executed her plan,
N: Manik I told you to only come when you or I wanted solace! I don't think that any of us need it today. Then why?
M: Nandini what are you saying? I know you are broken but why are you hiding it from me? You know you can cry in my arms!
N: Mr. Manik Malhotra who told you am broken? Ohhh the drama which you heard in Space today that? You should have known that I don't care! When I came to college the very next day after their death then why do you think that I want you now?
M: But nandini-
N: Stop assuming Manik and just leave!
And she shut the door on Manik's face.
But for the first time Manik wasn't angry but feeling bad as he couldn't help her.
That night none of them slept! Manik was thinkig of a plan to help Nandini. He decided that he is going to help Nandini in the Fab 5 way!
So llet's see what Manik has thought of. Keep reading to find his plan out! Trust me you might not be able to guess it! One hint it is something Fab 5 is famous for!

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