Black Cat

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Chat got to the Mayor's office to be knocked on the head. He saw Marinette screaming his name before everything turned black.
When he woke up he was on the ground in a dark room. He finally remembered about Marinette and started panicking again. "MARINETTE!! MARINETTE!!" He heard a muffled sound until light struck the room. Marinette was in a cage and her kwami was hiding from Hawk Moth just in case Marinette wanted to transform. Hawk Moth walked up to Chat with a smile which wasn't very friendly. "Hello Chat Noir, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Chat smirked and got readying in a fighting stance. "Pleasure is all mine Hawk Moth." Hawk Moth nodded and then turned to Marinette which made Chat/Adrien a little tense. "All we need now is Ladybug and it would be a perfect match, but sadly she isn't here, and I don't know her identity." Chat gave a small breath of relieve as the villain approached him. "But, how about we make me deal?" Chat gave a confused looked to the villain before he turned his back to Chat. "We won't fight and you'll have Ms.Marinette back, if only I have your miraculous." Marinette was trying to talk and tell Chat to stop but Hawk Moth came to her cage and dropped her on the floor, put his heel on her back causing her pain, and told her "shut up little twerp." Chat was now ready to kill this man for what he has done. "Hawk Moth, how can I trust you with my miraculous IF YOUR HURTING MY PRINCESS!" Hawk Moth looked up to be struck down by the pain of Chat's baton making contact with his head. Chat took Marinette up and carried her out of the hide out, as Hawk Moth yelled out to him "YOU'LL PAY CHAT NOIR!!" Chat and Marinette had already ran out of the building and was now in a dark alley, hoping Hawk Moth didn't follow them. That's when they heard a swarm of butterfly wings flapping. "Chat you have to de-transform! Or else they'll come after you!" Chat hesitated and Marinette put her hands on both sides of his cheeks and looked him in the eyes telling him, "Chat I love you, your amazing, and those cat puns of your are actually funny to tell you the truth. So please understand who ever you are under your mask, I'll still love no matter what!" Marinette told him smiling before kissing him. Plagg came out of the miraculous so Chat could turn back once more into Adrien. When the two stopped kissing, Marinette blushes madly. "A-A-Adrien, y-you w-w-w-were Chat?!" Adrien nodded and hugged her. "Please don't hate me." Marinette hugged Adrien from behind and whispered in his ear "I love you, the person underneath the mask."

The two rushed to Marinette's home as Adrien turned into Chat and decided to bring her in. "Mr and Mrs.Cheng, your daughter is home." Marinette's parents rushed to hug her. "Marinette, your back! We were worried sick!" Marinette hugged her parents back before turning to Chat to hug him and whispers in his ear so that her parents wouldn't hear, "come to my room alright?" Chat nodded and bid farewell but went to climb the back of the bakery to climb to their roof. He turned back into Adrien before going into Marinette's room to talk. He climbed onto her bed to see her transform into Ladybug. "TIKKI SPOTS ON!" She then used her lucky charm and told Adrien "close your eyes and your nose. He did as told before she sprayed the bottle. After a while Adrien was allowed to open his eyes and could now breathe instead of pinching down his nose. "What was all that for" he asked. Marinette turned to face him. "So everyone forgets about the Chat Noir issue." Adrien's eyes widen being confused. "W-WHY! Do you not like me anyore?! Is it because.." he said before Marinette put a finger on his lips to hush him. "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to ask me out as Adrien, but I guess Chat will forever be my boyfriend." Adrien was now smiling as he picked Marinette up by her waist and spinned her around. "Marinette will you be my love?" Marinette nodded and smiled as they shared a deep kiss.
What the couple didn't know was Hawk Moth was planning on attacking next time, and in the worst way possible




Okay so for the next story I need 7 votes!!
Okay on with you day my little Demons~

         ~Rias Smith

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