"So I haven't succeeded in warning you away." He says.

"I'd say you failed miserably." I struggle to get it.

"Thank lord baby Jesus." He kisses me again. I giggle softly against his lips at his response. His childlike personality is the most adorable and cutest thing ever. It quickly goes away when he sweeps his tongue into my mouth. It has me on the verge of begging for something I didn't want to say. "There's a big party event at Bieber Enterprise for how well we're doing, and I want you to come with me. Please Alison come with me. I want you next to me, holding my hand as I represent the company."

"Justin..." I'm tempted. So very, very tempted.

"I already told them I was bringing a date." His teeth close over my earlobe, and I feel it in every nerve ending. "Your not going to leave me alone and embarrassed are you?"

I draw back to look at his face. "You said you weren't going to talk to me, but yet, you still planned on taking me to this event?"

"What can I say? I'm a very hopeful person. And when you come into my office to talk to me, it gave me even more hope. This dinner was also hope for convincing you to come with me. I saw you coming in my office as a sign."

"So even as you try to warn me off, you're planning to get me to this event."

"Guilty as charged. I figured if you have all the facts, you can make an informed decision." He shrugs.

"And I have all the facts now?"

"Excepted one."

"And what might that be?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you after that kiss we shared. I'm sorry I let someone else's opinion sway me when the only thing that should of mattered is what I know to be true, you're special and I want a chance with you."

Justin's POV

I hold my breath while I wait for her to answer me. I wouldn't blame her for saying no after telling her about my marriage and what to except of being around me.

"Tell me the truth." She says.

"Of course. Always." I ignore the alarm bells from my brain, reminding me of the secrets I'm keeping from her.

"The thing with the media... How bad will it be?" She ask nervously. She bites her lip innocently awaiting the answer. The way she's biting her lip is making me want to groan, but I control myself from doing so.

"It'll get pretty bad. They'll dig for any and all dirt that they can find, and if they don't get what they want, they'll make it up. They'll follow you around trying to see if your doing anything worth publishing. You'll be defending yourself against accusations that aren't even true."

"All that from one night with you?"

"All that and possibly more." I wish I didn't have to make her aware of any of these thing, but I have to be fair. They're the realities I have to live with everyday. Being the most wealthy and successful CEO in the world is a tiring business in the age of the twenty-four-hour news cycle. It's what I've dealt with. I'm used to it, but I won't have Alison exposed to any of it without making her aware of what's to come.

"You make it seems like I'd be crazy to go with you." She says while softly tracing my jaw with her fingertips.

"You would be, but I still hope you'd come anyways."

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