Arrest Me

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Main characters:

Officer Jim Earnest – Rookie; probationary officer; very handsome, happily married

Officer Pete Wry – Field Training Officer; older, more experienced, yet still boyishly handsome

Sergeant “Fitz” Fitzwilliam – Watch commander

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

His fingers lightly brushed hers as they walked side-by-side to her front door.  It was a relaxed, leisurely pace, as if neither was in a rush to reach their destination.

“I’m sorry the movie turned out the way it did,” he said.  “Not sure what a rowdy bunch of teenagers was doing there; it didn’t seem to be the type of film they’d enjoy.”

She shrugged.  “It’s not important.  I didn’t think the movie was that good, anyway.”

He smiled.  “Me either.  But of the movies available, I figured that was our best bet.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” she said.

“Don’t be sorry.  We probably would have been better off skipping the movie and staying outside,” he said, glancing up at the sky.  “It’s a beautiful night.”

“It is,” she agreed, looking up as well.  “Too bad the city lights are so bright.  We can’t see much of the sky from here.”

“Well, maybe some night we can find a place where the air is clear and there are no lights blocking the view of the stars.”

“I think I’d like that.”  She smiled.  “I have to say, I was a bit surprised when you called yesterday.”

“Oh?  Why’s that?”

“You took my name and number because I was a witness to that accident.  I didn’t expect you’d use that information for non-official purposes.”

“Well, because you are a witness,” he said lightly, “I have a responsibility as a law enforcement officer to keep you safe.”

Her eyes sparkled with amusement.  “And you’ve done a fine job.  At no time this whole evening have I felt the slightest hint of danger.”

Finally they reached the doorstep, and he stopped.

She turned toward him, tossing her head slightly to move the honey-blond bangs out of her eyes.  “Well, I guess this is the part where I tell you I enjoyed the evening.”

He arched a brow, visible in glow from a nearby streetlight.  “Only if you mean it.”  He had a way of speaking that that made it sound as if he was drawing out his words, sort of a nonchalant drawl.

“Of course I mean it,” she replied, wide eyes belying the hint of humor.  “I wouldn’t dare lie to a police officer.”

“Good thing,” he said lightly, stepping closer.  “I’d hate to have to use the cuffs on you.”

“Uh-oh, maybe I spoke too soon about not being in any danger....”

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Scene:  Officers Earnest and Wry, in patrol car.  Wry is driving, eyes on the road.)

Earnest: (Glances at Wry.)  So, how was your date last night, with Louise?

Wry:  (Nods.)  It was good.

Earnest:  Yeah?  You had a nice time?  Both of you?

Wry:  (Rolls eyes.)  No, only one of us enjoyed it.  Yes, Earnest, we had a nice time—both of us.

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