Don't scare me.(Sasuke's point of view.)

Start from the beginning

She giggled at me in a slow, tattered, tired voice and stumbled a bit. "What kind of work do we need to do?"

I kept hold of her and smirked at her clumsiness. "Finding leads on recent akatsuki activity." I explained and for some reason, I caught the slightest flinch in her expression.

I took the Hebi out of the forrest and to the next village. I sent Jougo to look for any akatsuki leads he could and Suigetsu to interrogate a few low-lives, without killing them. Before I knew it I had a headach when Karin starte talking, something that girl should never do. "Does this mean I get to be alone with you, Sasuke?!" She gasped in amazment, a hue of pink covering her cheeks.

"No, that would be Takara." I started, catching a smirk from one corner of my eye and a dissapointed sneer from the other. "You, however should search for any out of the ordinary chakra."

"Fine." She sighed and finnaly disapeared.

 "Oh wow, Sasuke, it never siezes to amaze me when you get all of these girls without even wanting them." She giggled with her slender fingers to her lips.

"There's only one I want and that's the one I have, the others are annoying, let's go." I sighed, rubbing my temples to fade the headache, Karin left me, away. I spun on my heals to walk from the village and caught the gaze of the turquoise haired girl and smirked at the pink haze over her cheeks. "Dosen't take much does it?" Her eyes grew bigger and the pink haze turned scarlett red before she smacked her hands to her cheeks and spun on her heals to hide her face. "Hey, I wasn't complaining." I stepped closer to her and spun her around to see a smirk, complementing her fetures. I froze from the sudden change in attitude.

I felt her hands glide over pressure points, on my neck and run through my hair. I rand my hands around her waist, without even thinking and pulled her to me. I felt every inch of her over every inch of me as I crashed my lips into hers. I bit her lip for encouragment but got nothing more than a smirk back. I tired sliding my tounge accross her perfect lips but still just got a smirk, along with a giggle at my temtartion. I throwned and picked her up just to smack her into a tree, not hard enough to hurt her but enought to joult her into shock. She gasped as she hit the tree and I smirked in reflex, ur lips didn't part, niether did our tounges. She. Was. Good. Understatment intended. "Someone is excited." She giggled at my lips, stearing into me.

"You can have more later on." I whispered pulling away. Her eyes grew big and her smirk turned into a shocked smile. Boom! "What the fuck?" I spun on my heals and activeted my sharingan. My face painted an expression of confusion and shock but it faded to concern when I saw Takara run towards the defening sound. I followed in reflex, after adjusting my balance from the shockwave.

"Sasuke, it's akatsuki!" She shouted back to me just as I caught sight of her again.

"I see." My face and voice was full of nothing again. I saw two men. One had blonde hair, reminding me of Ino's, one blue eye and a camera device, instead of another. The other had short, dark hair and an orange mask with one swirl at the only and left eye hole. The black robes with red clouds were proof. They were akatsuki and they knew my brother. 

"They both are very dangerous, I can hear it in their heart beats; A pitch black, solome, spear of noise, it's not even music." I glanced at Takara. her face showed discust and anger. 

"Ooh, careful Deidara, this girl seems scary." The man in the mask spoke in an annoying tone, one I hoped to wipe from his mouth.

"Shut up, Tobi!" The blonde sighed, rolling his eye. "I wonder, are you the younger sister of Izari Imarne, little girl?" He smirked at the oddly eyed girl, showing interest.

"What's it to you?" Takara spat. "I bet she kicked your arse, didn't she? What're you going to do about it, blondie?" She teased, turning her expression of anger to a cocky smirk.

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