"It's gone." I say, a little too solemnly.

"Damn. How will we ever find another one?"

Ha. So funny.

There are about ten in view right now.

"Yeah, I guess we're stuck here then, Mitch..."

This gets his attention.

Before he can say anything, I hail a cab. Taxi. I hail a taxi. Must remember that I'm British.

We get in, and a very smiley man with about three metal teeth greets us.

"Where to?"

Mitch gives him some directions and I gaze out of the window. This may be my last New York taxi ride. Unless we get one back, too. Oh, and if you don't count the one to the airport tomorrow.

Third to last. Whatever.

I'm not sure how long the journey is exactly, but after a while we arrive at the football pitch. Or grounds. I don't know what you call it, and don't feel like asking would go down too well.

It doesn't look quite like on American tv shows, but it's certainly close. I can see Pom poms, anyway. That's good enough for me.

Mitch walks us over to this group of people, and I spot Jenna amongst them. She's actually laughing away, talking to some girl. Good, glad she's enjoying herself. Without me. That's great.

"Hey, guys. This is Sarah."

Mitch addresses the group, and I realise that he's holding my hand. Only loosely, but definitely holding it.

"Hi." I say meekly.

I get a bunch of "Hi"s and "Hello"s and waves.

Then one guy with fairly long blonde hair says "How long have you two been dating?".

Um. This is a little awkward. Actually, we met a couple days ago. And don't know where we stand. Not sure why we're holding hands, either.

"Uh, since very recently. Right, Sarah?"

Hey, don't drag me any further into this. Me and awkward conversations don't mix very well. Me and NORMAL conversations barely mix well.


That will have to do. Sorry, Mitch.

I can see Jenna trying to send me messages with her eyes. All I'm getting is "OMG What?!". She'll have to wait.

Maybe I'll text her. I can do texting.

As everyone heads to sit down, Mitch holds back a little, and grabs my other hand so I face him fully.

"What was that?" He questions me.

"I could ask you the same thing."


"I was nervous."


"Because they're your friends."


"So... I don't know what this is exactly."

He considers that for a moment. Or is annoyed. I'm not sure.

"How can you still not know?"

Bit of both, I think.

"You tell me."

"I have. And I've shown you. Multiple times."


"You're quite difficult sometimes, you know? Would be nice to have a little something back."

Where is this coming from?


"Why would you invite me out? And go places with me? And come here today? Why would you do those things, if you don't want us to be dating?"

Jeez. Some pent-up emotions coming out here, I think.

"I don't not want that."

Nice, Sarah.

"Make some sense, please, Sarah."

Yes. I want to make sense.

So I make sense the only way I can think of doing so - with no words.

Surely he will understand THIS?

I pull his head closer, and man, his hair is soft. I'm glad he doesn't use much gel.

"Okay." I take a breath. "Did that make sense?"

He nods.

"Can we go see your friends now?"

He looks a little dazed. Bless him.

"Uh, sure. Come on."

He leads me by the hand, and I let him.

As always, I really appreciate any comments or votes! Thanks :)

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