09 | Madeline

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"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, Dad – Jasper, if you fucking try it, I will hurt you." she threw her hands up, "She's already in danger – the Nomadic Coven has been visiting the town. The only reason why they have not gone after her is because they've smelled my scent."

Emmett expression hardened. He yearned to spill some blood right about now and a red-haired vampire would do just the trick. "What about now that you're gone?"

Adele bit her lip – should I say? They all waited expectantly for her answer and she thought of how pissed Edward would be if he knew she asked Jacob Black and the wolves to protect Bella. That convinced her. I have negotiated an agreement with the Quileute wolves. They will protect her."

Carlisle's head snapped up and he regarded her bewilderedly. He tried for decades to befriend the Quileute wolves after the creation of the Treaty Line, but they were sworn enemies and insisted on living by it. "You were able to speak with the wolves?"

Rosalie gaped, "And they actually listened?"

She nodded. A baleful beat passed between them until a small gasp escaped Alice's lips and her eyes glazed over as she experienced a vision. Emmett looked grave, as if he knew what she was seeing, "Can you see him, Alice?"

Alice pursed her lips as Jasper squeeze her shoulders. Edward – thick woodlands – melancholy – "Yeah, he's wallowing in his self misery in some isolated spot in the woods." With a little concentration and some anger to motivate her, Adele projected the vision in each of their minds.  "The only decision he's made..." Edward was in an isolated woodland and stood on a mountain top that overlooked more thick woods. He was clearly pained. The scene went hazy before she snapped out of it and they were returned to their reality in the living room. "...is to be alone."

"Yes and now he has left me to pick up the broken pieces." Adele muttered annoyedly.

"Why do you care so much?" Rosalie asked annoyed.

"Because I have a heart. I still have my humanity left despite everyone's countless attempts to steal from me." she replied smoothly and Emmett's eyes widened, "I will not have this girl's blood on my hands. I would never forgive myself and nor would Edward despite the fact that this is all his fault."

Rosalie set her jaw and walked to the window to tune them out. When the initial surprise of her quip faded, Jasper looked at Adele, "How do you know he'll even reach out to Bella again?" All they are doing is asking questions but no one wants to find out for themselves.

"Are you all disregarding everything you said before?" she said crossly, "Jasper, you told Bella that none of you could bear facing Edward if something was to happen to her. Carlisle, Esme, you saw how happy she made him and he has not been that happy in decades." The room fell silent again and the tension hanging thick in the air could be cut with a knife. She pursed her lips and pulled the two notes out of her bag. She was tired of talking about Edward and Bella. "I didn't just come to discuss Edward's many ineptitudes." She explained how she came across the notes while she was away.

Carlisle examined them and looked at her questioningly, "What're you thinking?"

"Apparently this person knows me and I know who they are." she paused to eye the neat script. "I am also thinking that this person's handwriting is similar to my own...." Carlisle had an uneasy feeling that he knew exactly what she was hinting at but could not voice it aloud. He didn't want to think it. She's going too far with this now. I can't, I don't want to think of it – "Dad, I was taught this form of script as a child. Mother showed me how to write it so it will be unique to others...." she hesitantly met his eyes as they slowly filled with anguish. He recalled the horrid memories and felt his still heart clench – he buried them for a reason. "And there was only one other person she taught as she did I."

Forget Me Not | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora