Chapter 18

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Joanna's POV


That was how I felt. Free.  It's graduation day, the names have been called, we all have our diplomas and sat down on the stairs for the last time, talking about how the day had been so far. Everyone was talking about the girl who fell and how the whole audience laughed at her and afterwards felt kind of bad for her and of coarse the party tonight. But I was rather thinking about what's going to happen after the party.. I can finally go to Alex, run into her arms and we won't have to worry anymore if we're in the middle of the streets. I can finally take her on a real date and spend our holiday together. My thoughts wandered to the moment she asked me if I would join her on her trip to London and meet her friends there.

"You know, you're so  cute when you're mad", Alex joked and pecked me on the lips. "Oh, shut up", I said and threw a pillow at her. "That's not very polite", she said severe, "I'll have to teach you some manners ..", she winked.
"Why?", I asked,"you've been living with this behaviour for the past 7 months".
"Because I want to take you somewhere.."
"That doesn't make sense, Alex. If you want to take me somewhere I don't necessarily have to be polite, do I?", I answered. "You have to, if you're going to meet my friends in London.. I want to take you on my anual trip", she smiled
"Oh my god! That's awesome, babe!, I squealed and hugged her too brute so she fell on her back on the sofa. "So you'll have to be polite and if we're going to party, please don't be drunk."
"But you've never seen me drunk. I can be fun", I winked, "if you know what I mean"
"I like your way of thinking", she laughed " and they are definitely are going to like you, I'm sure"

"Hey!", Kelsey poked me ," stop daydreaming about Alex. I bet she's got you a big present for tonight", she laughed and winked. "Come on it's picture time!", she yelled.

~   ~   ~

It was hot outside, everyone was getting drunk and having a good time. We were in Ailene's backyard, the music was pumping through the speakers and there was alcohol everywhere. I didn't feel like dancing so I sat down on a chair and watched the scene. It was pretty amusing to see everyone like this. They were all dancing and some we're even trying to flirt with each other. I decided to not drink too much, because I was going to Alex after this.

Martin was dancing close with some blonde girl, whose name I didn't know, but I had seen her before on school. Looks like he's taking her home tonight . I grinned. I love these idiots.

Ailene sat in the rocking chair with some girl next to her. I couldn't see her face, but I saw they were getting close.

"You should stop staring and start having fun", Lindsay said, she already had too much. "Come on let's dance", she smiled and took my hand. I didn't really have the chance protest. She gave me a beer and pulled me into the crowd where I came finally in the mood to dance. I looked back one more time to the rocking chair and recognized the face, the girl who was kissing Ailene was Rosie.

For a moment I was paralyzed, but I realised that  they're probably happy and stuff so yeah. Let it be. I was getting another drink when suddenly someone yelled something, but I didn't hear it so I went closer.
It was Ailene, she took of her blouse and yelled:

" Everybody in the pool! ... Everybody in the pool!"

Well.. Why not?

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